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Artist Info:
Yo Im Katee but I know my avatar is black but Im actually white in real life. Call me crazy and I'll pimp slap you foo. I love the colours Blue,Green,White, and sometimes black. I hate Sakura Cardcaptor, sakura haruno, twilight, and noobs. The anime I love the most is Teen Titans and the realistic show I love the most is "The 70's show" and "Bobb'e Says". I like the show naruto so shut the fuck up about your shitted opionions. But Sakura dresses like a big slut. <br />
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One test said i was a persian <br />
one said i was a Latias <br />
one said i was a latios <br />
one said i was a togetic<br />
one said i was a ludicolo<br />
one said i was Lucario =D<br />
one said i was articuno<br />
one said i was a rare dragon type o;<br />
and one said i was darkrai<br />
one said i was near<br />
one said i was ryuk CUZ I <3 RED APPLEZ<br />
one said i was L<br />
You are L! <br />
You are such an enigma. No one even knows your real name! You keep to yourelf often, and find it hard to trust someone. You are hardworking, and have a lot of initiative. And you're a genius, to boot! yeah that one said i was L to ^^<br />
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you are observant, unique, and stand for justice <br />
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(v=_=)><('.'< wink ~Love~<br />
(>^.^)(>.< )>And this is shex <br />
<(v )3(vOo)> This is kissy kiss :3<br />
<(^.^)><(^^)> These are friends forever!<br />
<('>//< wink > (<///<''v) the friends Love not liike eachother o:<br />
<(>//)(//v)> so they ,kiss <br />
(vT^T)> <(T^T< wink they are seperated D:<br />
<(D:< wink > (>D smile > they drive the parents off away from em<br />
(>^^)(^^< wink the two back together again<br />
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You are water. Calm, soothing, you also have your bad side. When you lose you temper, things get broken- but that rarely happpens.<br />
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You Scored as Water<br />
People who score water are usually very docyle, and can be shy. They like calm environments and hate arguments. They're often very calm and make good friends. Nothing seems to touch them, sliding off of them like water. They are usually smiling, or are thinking deeply. Laid back, and yet very deep<br />
Water <br />
Thoughtfull, Spiritual, and emotional. Has a tendancy to get depressed easily. Appriciates natural beauty, and is wish<br />
Water<br />
You are a being of Water. You are loving, compassionate, and playful. You might dream often. You are very emotional and sentimental. Aphrodite and Poseidon watch over<br />
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From Mitsukumuro0 - Avg. rating:
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Comments (18 Comments)
- Demon-senpai - 01/02/2010
- lol. I think YOUR jealous cause the areana heart 's my comics.
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- Demon-senpai - 12/29/2009
I just don't get it. You make fun of people's awesome art. I think your jsut jealous because they are more famous than you. Seriously, which is why I made a comic guest-starring you. Check it out.
(WARNING: The comic may offend you....well it would. No offense.) - Report As Spam
- The Child of Aura - 12/15/2009
- I officially declare this person a disgusting troll. And it just so happens that I am the Pokemon master, and a professional Lucario trainer. So nyah nyah.
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- eggmund - 10/10/2009
- I are jealous of your mad FAIL skills LOL. </3
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- Kotoko Hibioshi - 10/04/2009
- a little late but thanks for saying a "steal" art, some support ... please don't comment if your not going to be nice.
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- Demon-senpai - 09/04/2009
Dude, leave Ponx's comics alone.
And why are you pokemon obsessed??? - Report As Spam
- The Child of Aura - 09/04/2009
- I think you claim to be the Pokemon master. And I'm betting you're someone who uses Legendaries in battle. Do you have the walk to support that talk, big mouth?
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