• Somebody Called Cheyenne's Gallery
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    Deep in the meadow...<br />
    ...a soft green pillow<br />
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    I am, in fact, somebody called Cheyenne. I am sixteen, almost seventeen. Engagement postponed, for a while. I love my life, and just like everyone else, I still have my bad days too. I am no saint, no perfect girl, I am simply me and that is all I can be. I have noticed more things about myself lately, than I am sure I care too all at once, but have learned anyway, that I tend to give parts of myself up to certain things and certain people so that their lives are good. And usually, as long as their happy, I'm happy too, because that's all I want in life, when it boils down to it. I want to be happy, and I want to make people happy and have a happy effect everyone I go. But, I have also been learning that sometimes no matter how hard you try, you just can't make someone happy, and sometimes it's just one of those things that really majorly sucks, but that it is better to move on and that it really is okay to just be selfish once in a while, and do nothing but work on yourself. Sometimes, we really just need to give ourselves personal time away from everyone, positive and negative, so that we can grow within ourselves and then come back and continue to grow with our friends and family. Never let anyone knock you down, you are you and you alone, you cannot be anyone else and no one else can be you. You are amazing, beautiful, worth anything and everything, can do anything you set your mind to too help people and yourself, and be happy. Isn't that what we all want, what we all go through life trying to achieve anyway? Happiness? Happiness is always with us, if we choose it, it's in our friends, our family, our animals, the ground, the sky, it's everywhere. It's beautiful. Open your heart and eyes, trust and believe. Things so simple to say, have such a major impact our lives, ticking with the tick tock of the clock. <br />
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    If there is anything else you want to know about me that bad, or if you just want someone to talk to, whatever, I can't promise I'll always reply since I tend to go through long periods of not getting on here. But every once in a while, I'm here.<br />
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    Update: 5/17/2013<br />
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    Well the world didn't end. <br />
    Life doesn't either, keep smiling, keep trying, keep loving. It's still worth it.<br />
    This is one of those random times, I'm here. And with getting on this time, I realize how much of aw waste this is. Get off the computer and live your real life, it's much more real and fun, even on the bad days. Please, whoever you are reading this, love yourself and just love. It takes as much be positive as it does negative, the process of how to proceed it just different. The only way to do anything positive and happy and healthy for your life or anyone else's is to do good and positive and happy things. So go, do them. Join me, in living life. I might see ya walking down the street some day and say what up smile <br />
    Life is our chance to live and do great things, people are the ones that help us or hinder us, leave the ones behind that hinder us and let them sort through their own problem, keep yourself healthy emotionally and physically so that you can help yourself as well as others. It's a weird thought, to most isn't it, that it is so simple to be happy and live joyfully? How hard is it too wake up and realize it's a good day, because you woke up and you have the ability to do good. YOU HAVE the ability to DO GOOD. Be beautiful my people, be the change you wish to see in the world. More likely than not, I will never be on here again, but then again, sometimes you never know, I might pop back in, so same story as before, it might be a while before I reply if I do at all. If it's important that you want to talk, my email is StormyDaysAreBeautiful2@gmail.com<br />
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