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  • Artist Info: DEATH NOTE ROCKS!!!^_^)<br />
    <br />
    Name: Brittany<br />
    Age: 18 (damn I'm old!!)<br />
    height: 5'4"<br />
    Hair: pitch black<br />
    eye color: brown<br />
    skin color: dark brown<br />
    personality: funny, goofy, smart (sometimes lol XD), innocent, bundle of joy, likable, kind, emotional, extreme attitude....<br />
    Bio: A young african american girl who lives in cleveland, Ohio yippy! (-_-) right...<br />
    Closet family memeber: My twin brother (he's 2 minutes older than me...and he thinks he can boss me around sometimes -_- loser lol)<br />
    Pets: <br />
    Cats- Lucky (died July 5th 2008, 1997-2008 I loved him) and Mindy (Still kicking, she's a kitten afterall 2008...)<br />
    DogS- Oliver (gave him away to the animal shelter and he got a adopted. The insurance we had wouldn't support chows how sad.......)<br />
    <br />
    ______________________________________________________<br />
    Things I dislike:<br />
    ``````````````````<br />
    1.) Mondays<br />
    2.) Spiders<br />
    3.) People who are jealous of others<br />
    4.) Dark chocolate<br />
    5.) Liars<br />
    6.) My twin brother's lips (THey are so juicy and large, I hate when he kisses me on the cheek its gross!!!)<br />
    7.) Steak<br />
    8.) People chewing with their mouth open<br />
    9.) When my twin brother eats cereal (He slurps it!)<br />
    10.) Annoying little kids<br />
    11.) When people interrupt my thoughts. (I swear when people do that I become angry without me even knowing what I'm doing. I remember I hit my brother for that lol. I didn't mean to...it was automatic.)<br />
    12.) Chores<br />
    13.) My cat slobbing on me<br />
    14.) Science<br />
    15.) my parents arguements<br />
    16.) IDIOTS<br />
    17.) Oh yeah, and shagging. Pull up those freakin pants! I don't want see all that *Beep*. ^_^ Well anyways my list of dislikes and more shall be added<br />
    <br />
    Things I like:<br />
    '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''<br />
    1.) Candy<br />
    2.) exercising<br />
    3.) Anime<br />
    4.) Hiei (yu yu hakusho)<br />
    5.) Kuwabara (yu yu hakusho lol XD)<br />
    6.) art<br />
    7.) cake<br />
    8.) sticks and twigs O.o okay not part of my list.........<br />
    9.) fruit<br />
    10.) french fries<br />
    11.) hamburgers!!<br />
    12.) pizza (I'm lactose intolerant and I dodn't suppose to be eating pizza ^.^)<br />
    13.) My family<br />
    15.) Pie<br />
    16.) Spanihs (yo no hablo espanol muy bien)<br />
    17.) foriegn countries<br />
    18.) fan fiction<br />
    19.) Soliaonline (Gaia's counterpart)<br />
    20.) ice cream (okay I eat lactose intolerant ice cream "lactid" wink <br />
    21.) reality shows<br />
    22.) vampires<br />
    24.) Supernatural (cool show)<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
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