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Artist Info:
Name: Demeta Thesmo<br />
Gender: female<br />
Age: 7 sweeps<br />
trollTag: cerialesReparator<br />
Caste: olive drab, somewhere between Nepeta and Kanaya<br />
Typing Quirk: uses slang no punctuation or capitalization <br />
Symbol: Ceres<br />
Symbol Appearance:<br />
Sylladex: burlap sack<br />
Strife Specibus: torchkind <br />
Title: Dame of Fate<br />
Lusus: giant snake/ serpant<br />
Matesprit ♥:<br />
Kismesis ♠:<br />
Moirail ♦:<br />
Auspistice ♣:<br />
“Friends”:<br />
Personality: You are very motherly yet independent and has an eye for justice. Loves to farm and tend crops with a natural green thumb. Everything you plant grows and you do what you can to keep local flora safe. Also and excellent animal breeder. A fighter when you have to be and a lover if you feel like it. You would much rather have a kismesis than a matesprit. Has no particular interests in flushed quadrants but might make an exception.. <br />
General appearance:<br />
Lusus appearance:<br /> - Avg. rating:
- 1 Fans
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