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    a y b a y b a y ;
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    Hey Chelly,<br />
    It's Leahpie hacking your page bby. ;D<br />
    Well I've known you since the seventh grade and your and amazing person. We've had some seriously hilarious times together. Coconut bras, silly string, pretending to be mermaids in the pool. Lol. But that's just the beginning of our friendship. I know I can always trust you, and come to you for any reason. Butt buddies for life. o: We have so much in common and I know we have our stupid fights, but that's what makes our bond bigger and better. You are the only girl I know that humps inanimate objects, and I'm glad I met you. I'm always missing you when you're in Nevada and I know we'll see each other soon.<br />
    So anywho, that's all I got to Ch-Ch-Chat <br />
    Abouts(; <br />
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    iloveyouu < 3<br />
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    Look at that cutie. <br />
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