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Sing us a song of the century<br />
That's louder than bombs<br />
And eternity<br />
The era of static and contraband<br />
That's leading us into the promised land<br />
Tell us a story that's by candlelight<br />
Waging a war and losing the fight<br />
<br />
They're playing the song of the century<br />
Of panic and promise and prosperity<br />
Tell me a story into that goodnight<br />
Sing us a song for me.<br />
<br />
Name: Lizzy<br />
Quest: Graduate high school<br />
Capital of Assyria: No one knows that. Edit: Turns out some people do. Its first capital was Assur. I'm too lazy to look up the later capitals<br />
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I have an on-again-off-again relationship with this site. If I'm in the mood, I'll stop by and do something, if I'm not, whatever.<br />
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Summer has come and passed<br />
The innocent can never last<br />
Wake me up when September ends.<br />
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Looking Forward To: The beginning of 4th quarter -- PE is not my strong point.<br />
Current Obsession: Karl Urban<br />
Favorite Character: EVERYONE HE PLAYS, but I am particularly fond of Éomer, Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy, and Cupid.<br />
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BEWARE: Insane FANGIRLING ahead and SRS abuse of the CAPS LOCK<br />
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It started with LotR and somehow it snowballed to Star Trek via Karl Urban. How it got there, I have no idea. Eomer is seriously underappreciated in the films, he needs more love.<br />
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Karl Urban plays four characters in Xena (Mael, Cupid, Julius Ceasar, Kor) and you should've heard me when I watched the episode "For Him the Bell Tolls", his first episode as Cupid. I knew he was in the episode --duh, it was the reason I watched that particular episode even though it was in Ssn 2-- and was expecting him, so when he showed up, I giggled like a fangirl as was expected. I continued watching it and then suddenly the prince walks into the screen and I literally screamed. It was a mix between a screech and a squeal and my brother, who was sitting right next to me, screamed with alarm and then my mom calls downstairs asking what's wrong and I was just giggling hysterically because I DIDN'T KNOW PRINCE SARPEDON WAS IN THAT EPISODE!!! And then I started babbling like an insane person about how it was KARL URBAN and CRAIG PARKER in the SAME EPISODE and how it was Two Towers ALL OVER AGAIN.<br />
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Yeah, insane, I know.<br />
<br />
When it's time to live and let die<br />
And you can't get another try<br />
Something inside this heart has died<br />
You're in ruins<br />
<br />
One, 21 guns<br />
Lay down your arms, give up the fight<br />
One, 21 guns<br />
Throw up your arms into the sky<br />
You and I<br />
<br />
Grade: 12<br />
Favorite Subject: Psychology<br />
Favorite Teacher: Mrs. Crowe<br />
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That's about all there is to me. At least, all the stuff that "matters," haha.<br />
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So anyway, I'm off to do something productive. Cheers! - Avg. rating:
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