- Za-Banpaia-Neko's Gallery
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Welcome to my profile!<br />
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Just to let everyone know, right here and right now, I'm happily taken. I am living with my fiance, Will, and I love him very much. So, I don't mind role playing and all that, but that is all it is; Just role play (by the way, I love to RP). My name is Ashley and I am 19 and currently attending college for a bachelors degree in Graphic Design. My favorite colors are black and pink. My favorite animal is also the panda, although I love all animals. heart <br />
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I love watching anime, reading mangas, writing stories, creating art, etc. If there is anything you want to know about me, just ask. And no, I don't normally accept random friend requests, but if you catch me in a good mood, I might. I love video games and I am also a Christian. No, that doesn't mean I'm going to try to shove anything down your throat. I have my beliefs and you have yours; I'm cool with that. If you are interested in my faith, though, I will more than happily share.<br />
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As for the certain type of music I like, I'm not entirely picky. I like all music, besides some rap or country. My most favorite type of music is dubstep, trance, chillstep (or any other genre similar to those) and music from Japan (I am a Japanese freak. I love Japan! <3 ). I am also a charitable donator at times, but I don't like being used. So, don't try to leech off me or you may just drive me away. If we are close enough friends, I will donate things to you now and again. But, don't expect to be close to me, get something from me, stop talking to me, and then want me to give you more stuff. That's not how it works, darlings. :/ Be loyal and be a good friend, and you'll get what you want. <3<br />
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So, that's it! Bleh!! razz - Avg. rating:
sorry, im not
putting anymore
all i do is
babble bout
stuff in them
anyway. (like
now) - My Addiction
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 4 recent comments
a torn
decision... i
jus wanna say
thanks for
voting and
rating my
poems. this is
my third one wi - pretend
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 4 recent comments
There are
really no word
i can say to
describe this. - Broken Record
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 2 recent comments
another one
that is true.
its short but
has alot of
meaning for me.
theres really
no meaning
behind - Always a Reason
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 2 recent comments
so i lied about
the no more
thing. sorry. i
just cant avoid
babbling all
the time (hahah - My Best Friend
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 0 recent comments
no idea what
brought this
on. but i seem
to love to
write deep and
dark poems.
this is
definatly in - Now or Never
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 0 recent comments
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