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  • Artist Info: Where ever the wind blows...however far away I am for you. We will always be together.<br />
    <br />
    -By: Pudding (Me)<br />
    <br />
    _♥_♥___♥_♥_ put this <br />
    ♥___♥_♥___♥ heart <br />
    _♥___♥___♥_ on your <br />
    __♥_____♥__ page if <br />
    ___♥___♥___ you love <br />
    ____♥_♥____ someone <br />
    _____♥_____very much<br />
    <br />
    i would do the same<br />
    A girl and a guy were speeding over 100mph on a motorcycle. Girl: Slow down, i'm scared. Guy: No, this is fun. Girl: No it's not, please, it's so scary. Guy: Then tell me you love me. Girl: I love you, slow down. Guy: Now give me a big hug *She gave him a big hug* Guy: Can you take my helmet off & put it on yourself, It's really bothering me. The next day in the newspaper, a motorcycle crashed into a building due to brake failure. Two people were in the crash, but only one survived. The truth was that halfway down the road the guy realized that the breaks weren't working, but he didn't want the girl to know. Instead, he had her hug him and tell him she loves him one last time. Then he had her put his helmet on so that she would live, even if it meant that he would die. If you would do the same for the person you love, copy this in your profile<br />
    <br />
    NO RACISM!!!!<br />
    White man walks up to black man. White man says, "Colored people don't belong here!" Black man says, "I was born BLACK." "I grew up BLACK." "When I get sick, I'm BLACK." "When I'm cold, I'm BLACK." "When I'm in the sun, I'm BLACK." "When I die, I'm BLACK." "You were born PINK." "You grew up WHITE." "When you're sick, you turn GREEN." "When you're in the sun, you turn RED." "When you're cold, you turn BLUE." "When you die, you turn PURPLE." "And you have the nerve to call me colored?" The white man turned around, and walked away. PUT THIS ON YOUR PAGE IF YOU HATE RACISM <br />
    <br />
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    User Image<br />
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    ιҒ kιssєs ωєrє ωαtєr, ι ωιℓℓ gιvє υ a sєα. ιҒ нυgs ωєrє ℓєαvєs, ι'ℓℓ gιvє υ α trєє. ιҒ ℓιҒє ωαs a ρlαηєt, ι'ℓℓ gιvє υ α gαℓαxч. ιҒ Ғrιєη∂sнιρ ιs ℓιҒє, ι'ℓℓ gιvє υ мιηє <br />
    <br />
    -Not by me<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    Poem ~ ♥Beautiful lies Kissed my eyes ♥<br />
    <br />
    Azurite skys, beautiful eyes.<br />
    I see butterflies, telling bitter sweet lies,<br />
    as they fly softly through the falling skies.<br />
    <br />
    I feel innate, so I suffocate.<br />
    Since I can't conjugate that which I subjugate.<br />
    <br />
    All my goals, once burned like hot coals,<br />
    But a moon eclipsed over many souls,<br />
    Making me cold, now I have nothing left to hold.<br />
    <br />
    Having nothing left, I felt I should meet death,<br />
    So he could take away my very last breath.<br />
    Left without a trace, i lost my grace,<br />
    I fell into a dark silver embrace.<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.<br />
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    <br />
    Konichiwa! My name is Hoshi Haruhi. (That is my real name)But call me Pudding or Purin!! I'm half french half Japanese, although I look like i'm completely Japanese. I'm typically a very nice person, although I do goof out sometimes and act childish. I'm 15 years old in highschool. My grade will remain private. It's not like i'm in 9th grade though. My gaia age is 237 and it updated every tenth number, you might see me around the forums lately like lifestyle discussion.<br />
    I tend to make a big deal out of small thing, sometimes that can be a good and bad thing. You may sometimes see me talking without grammar, but suddenly I use grammar and capital letters. And that means one thing:<br />
    I'm annoyed by you.<br />
    Yes I can be a bitch at times, but that is rare unless i'm in a really bad mood. And I mean really.<br />
    <br />
    I personally hate all those rich gaians who go around insulting people who are poorer than them, that's just not right. I have one words for you guys though:<br />
    <br />
    Et Volia Perdants.<br />
    <br />
    Pardon my french if I said it wrong! (Applies to those who know what it means)<br />
    <br />
    To describe myself:<br />
    I have long brunette hair with dark brown eyes and straight hair, though I curl it most of the time. I have a model figure and I do not know my height...although I am not a midget. I'm atleast 6 something. Chest size is C cup, skin color is pale (Like most japanese) although I can look rather tan in some pictures. <br />
    I love makeup, even though too much can make people look trappy. <br />
    <br />
    My Nicknames:<br />
    Momo<br />
    Hoshina<br />
    Haruhi<br />
    Suzimiya<br />
    Mommie-ran<br />
    Cookie Monster<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    My rules:<br />
    <br />
    Please be nice!<br />
    <br />
    I don't donate unless if you're a true friend and I feel you worthy. But I especially don't donate if I am questing.<br />
    <br />
    Well that's it about me~ I've complete all 5 of my dream avii's. Although i'm looking for a new one. I'm not sure which I will chose yet...tell me if you have an idea kay? ^-^<br />
    <br />
    Have a great day~ <br />
    <br />
    User Image Hugs 'n Kisses -Mimi<br />
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    ´´´´¶¶¶¶¶¶¶´´´´´´´´¶ ¶¶¶¶¶´´´´´ <br />
    <br />
    ♥_♥_____♥_♥ Put This<br />
    ♥___♥_♥___♥ Heart<br />
    _♥___♥___♥_ On Your<br />
    __♥_____♥__ Page If<br />
    ___♥___♥___ You Love<br />
    ____♥_♥____ Someone<br />
    _____♥_____ Very Much<br />
    <br />
    Don't read if under 12<br />
    <br />
    Why do we sleep in church,<br />
    but when the ceremony is over we suddenly wake up?<br />
    Why is it so hard to talk about God,<br />
    but so easy to talk about sex?<br />
    Why are we so bored when we look at a Christian magazine,<br />
    but find it easy to read Playboy?<br />
    Why is it so easy to ignore a Godly myspace message,<br />
    Yet we repost the nasty ones?<br />
    Why are churches getting smaller,<br />
    But bars and clubs are growing?<br />
    Think about it, are you going to repost this?<br />
    Are you going to ignore it, cause you think you'll get laughed at?<br />
    Just remember God is always watching you.<br />
    <br />
    80 % of you wont repost this.<br />
    <br />
    The Lord said:<br />
    "If you deny me in front of your friends,<br />
    I will deny you in front of my father. <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    User Image<br />
    <br />
    Not my dream avatar. It's the worlds MOST EXPENSIVE AVATAR.<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    Dream avii: <br />
    User Image<br />
    Total Value: 87,520,996 Gold<br />
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    User Image<br />
    Axel_Rose - <br />
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    XxLonley_MuffinxX - <br />
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    CoolWhipsd - <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    Erotic: <br />
    <br />
    iAJ-kun: <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    User Image<br />
    <br />
    Xx_Purple_luvr_xX - Being the best friend ever!<3<br />
    <br />
    iChemo- Being the best gaia sister ever!<br />
    <br />
    Ouyno- Being the best bf ever! Donated 20k heart <br />
    <br />
    Lydia1029 - Donating 40k, and 50k, then 3k heart <br />
    <br />
    FlarexXFlare: Very good friend.<br />
    <br />
    Falling night wishes: Best friend also! <3<br />
    <br />
    llSir_Hugglesll: For being cuddley. o w o <3<br />
    <br />
    ll-DeathDemon-ll: Awesome friend. <3<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    User Image<br />
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    User Image<br />
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    User Image<br />
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    User Image<br />
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    User Image<br />
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    User Image<br />
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    <br />
    ¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`* •.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.• <br />
    ::: (_( ...*...*...*...*...*...*...*.. .*...*...*...*...* <br />
    *: (=' :') : Thanks 4 Visiting My Profile <br />
    •.. (,('')('')¤...*...*...*...*... *...*...*...*...*...*...* ¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`* •.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.• <br />
    ×▬▬▬▬▬▬×|[×♥×]|×▬▬▬▬▬▬× <br />
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  • Avg. rating:
  • 2 Fans