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  • Artist Info: A is for Amber who drowned in a pool.<br />
    B is for Billy who was eaten by ghouls.<br />
    C is for Curt with disease of the brain.<br />
    D is for Daniel derailed on a train.<br />
    E is for Erik who was burried alive.<br />
    F is for Frank who was stabbed through the eye.<br />
    G is for Greg who died in the womb.<br />
    H is for Henry who was sealed in a tomb.<br />
    I is for Issac who lost his front brakes.<br />
    J is for John he was bitten by snakes.<br />
    K is for Kimmy who was shot in the head.<br />
    L is for Larry who bled and bled.<br />
    M is for Marie who was burned to a crisp.<br />
    N is for Nick he was pummeled by fists.<br />
    O is for Olive who lived life too fast.<br />
    P is for Pat who swallowed some glass.<br />
    Q is for Quinton who took the wrong trail.<br />
    R is for Reyna who rotted in jail.<br />
    S is for Steve who was shot with a bow.<br />
    T is for Tori who froze in the snow.<br />
    U is for Urick who was trampled by hooves.<br />
    V is for Vanessa who fell off a roof.<br />
    W is for Will who was hit by a car. <br />
    X is for Xavier who sunk in the tar.<br />
    Y is for Yessie who fell from a plane.<br />
    Z is for Zach who simply went.. INSANE
    <br />
    One by one we bite the dust.<br />
    Kick the bucket.<br />
    Begin to rust.<br />
    Eternity in a wooden case.<br />
    We<br />
    All<br />
    Fall<br />
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