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  • Artist Info:
    Hello fellow Gaians, since you're on my profile I might as well tell you some random things about me.<br />
    Name: Momo but you can call me Aura or Moe. Feel free to add the suffix of "chan" at the end. XD<br />
    I'm Filipina/Pinay and dating an amazing Viet boy. -♥<br />
    <br />
    User Image<br />
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    Age: 17 [NO! I WANNA BE THIRTEEN AGAIN!]<br />
    Good Qualities: GENIUS! [No I am not. People call me stupid all the time. XD] Artistic/Creative [Somewhat. Not really. *FAILURE*] Funny [I think? Well my friends say so! D:] CUTE! [Pfft... yeah right!] RANDOM [YUSH! 8D]<br />
    Bad Qualities: I.AM.A.BYATCH! [*No comment*] Not athletic. [Oh! *Gets hit in the head* OW WTF!] Psycho. [The good kind... shouldn't that be under good qualities?]<br />
    Hobbies: Watchin ANIME/ Reading MANGA! DX Cosplaying, Sowing [Gets pricked... OH WUT DA FAWK!], Drawing/ Writing and COMPUTER! Stalking people! [Nu not really.] XDD <br />
    School: ...HISKOOLMUSACUL*DIES*<br />
    State: <3 NJKAHUMC4YERSULF [LAWL Garden State Please. DX]<br />
    Orientation/Status: Straight [ASACIRCLE... no comment.]/ Taken by xDeath Rebelx. <3<br />
    <br />
    How I am on Gaia:<br />
    I will never EVER scam/hack someone. I may lowball but seriously, they're just a bunch of pixels. I've made a habit of donating each day and although I quest, I know that donations are sometimes really helpful for one's motivation. (Please don't ask for any though~)<br />
    <br />
    Hiya! *Waves* xDeath Rebelx here and hacking my girlfriend's "About Me".<br />
    Well, what can I really say about Momo? She's a bit insane in a fun way, but that what makes our relationship so interesting and fun xD. Momo is really cute, pretty, fun, loving, and is willing to stay with me forever. ^__^ I adore her so much and I can't help but love her because she means so much to me. <br />
    To the world she may be one person, but to me she's my world and I love her very much more than anyone could ever imagine. ☠<br />
    <br />
    User Image<br />
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    Cosplays:<br />
    Roy Mustang [FMA].<br />
    Yuuki Kurosu [VK]<br />
    Haruhi Suzumiya [TMHS]<br />
    Amu Hinamori [SC]<br />
    <br />
    Donators:<br />
    Feori-Tan- Lots of stuff. c:<br />
    Sailor Nike- Kottan Bell<br />
    Bloody Harry MacDowell- Mythrill Coin (10,000g)<br />
    Fuzz Beary- 15k<br />
    omegaduse- Gothic Butterfly<br />
    NF_Shadow- Black Album and Cupcake Confections<br />
    Toxicoid- 30k<br />
    sasuke-needs-blood- Legendary Mage<br />
    <br />
    Previous Account Names:<br />
    a.k.a Yuuki Kiriyu<br />
    a.k.a Aura Shigatsu<br />
    a.k.a Usuratonkatchi<br />
    a.k.a Sakura Secret<br />
    a.k.a April Aura<br />
    <br />
    <br />
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