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Hello pitiful humans, and welcome to my lair cat_twisted You may call me Rae, if you dare. <br /><br />
If you absolutely must know about me, here are a few things to know:<br />
I'm 16. Youth forever! -3-<br />
I live in Georgia. The people are nice (mostly), but the weather sucks.<br />
I'm a lesbian and single cat_4laugh <br />
I'm random and completely insane emotion_awesome Yaayyy<br />
I have the attention span of a squirrel on crack, and the energy of a rabbit that's had WAY too much coffee emotion_dowant <br />
I love the nightime, and adore staring up at the sky emotion_kirakira <br />
I am EXTREMELY violent emotion_yatta Piss me off, and I will end you cat_twisted <br />
I'm a total pervert cat_whee I very much enjoy my perviness heart <br />
I own an evil rabbit named Sicchi and I love her very much heart <br />
I'm very friendly (most of the time), so if you want to get to know me better feel free to PM me. You may or may not get stabbed emotion_yatta <br />
I'm secretly Batman. Shhhhh. Don't tell anyone o3o <br />
<br />
Here are some things I like:<br />
yum_puddi Girls (obviously cat_whee )<br />
yum_puddi Anime/manga. I prefer manga to anime, because then I can use my imagination ^_^<br />
yum_puddi Drawing. I love to draw, although I could be a lot better at it cat_whee <br />
yum_puddi Writing. I write poetry, short stories, and "other" things<br />
yum_puddi Music heart I could not live without my music. Seriously. I would fall over and die. o3o<br />
yum_puddi I'm addicted to emoticons heart <br />
yum_puddi I love food, and can eat more than most girls my size cat_whee Especially when it comes to sweets yum_cupcake <br />
yum_puddi I am quite fond of weapons, and I have a soft spot for swords emotion_kirakira <br />
yum_puddi I like fire. More specifically, I like seeing things (or people) on fire. ^_^ I also like explosions<br />
yum_puddi Animals, plants, and nature in general. I have a special fondness for penguins, pigs, and pandas. Also I adore horses. emotion_kirakira <br />
<br />
Here are some things that I do NOT like:<br />
emotion_zombie Rude people. I honestly want every rude person on the earth to spontaneously combust as I watch and laugh maniacally<br />
emotion_zombie People with poor grammar and spelling. Honestly, I want them to burn alive.<br />
emotion_zombie Stupid people. I dislike people in general, but dumb people, especially the ones that think they're smarter than everybody, just piss me off. emotion_donotwant <br />
emotion_zombie Nosy motherfuckers. If it was not said to or about you, then it is not your problem. In short: mind your fucking business. cat_evil <br />
emotion_zombie Zombies. I absolutely hate, fear, and despise zombies. If you ever approach me dressed like one, I guarantee you will die cat_evil <br />
emotion_zombie Bugs. I know it's dumb, but I am scared shitless by insects of all kinds. Butterflies and ladybugs are the only exceptions. <br />
emotion_zombie Arrogance. I despise arrogance. Confidence is sexy; arrogance makes me want to stab you in the face emotion_donotwant <br />
<br />(Btw, my old account is HinaMisuto, for anybody that might have known me before I got banned for being stupid) - Avg. rating:
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