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Artist Info:
My name's Katrina Lisbeth P. Camagay, (call me either Kat, Kiting, Elise or Lisbeth) I'm 17 years old (dammit I'm old!) and I am Catholic. I'm a college student in Universirty of Santo Tomas, taking up Fine Arts - Interior Design as my major.. And I plan on taking up Painting and Animation after I graduate..ambitious much? well that's my dream, call it weird but it is. And... I love listening to Flyleaf, Paramore, RHCP, Kings of Leon, Korn and Incubus. BUT MOSTLY FLYLEAF, isn't it obvious? lmao!<br />
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Okay, I am a random person.. and honestly, I'm bi. I may not be pretty.. but I have taste and I barely have crushes on girls, so it's safe lol. sheesh.. It's in my nature to be concerned bout my close friends..nosy? I just want to help. if you don't want me to butt in your business, simply tell me, "it's ok, I can deal with it myself..thank you." and not with harsh words please.<br />
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I am a lousy student who sacrifices 4-6 hours of sleep, my money, and my lunch. well.. it goes like that. whatever.<br />
anyway, I used to look like a vampire.. but now I'm getting back my normal skin color lol plus.. no more eye bags <br />
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I hate hypocrites, racists, pretenders, liars, people who acts cool when they are obviously lame, backstabbers, insensitive jerks, super beggars who will badmouth you if you tell them honestly that you don't have money, and people who have no respect for other's beliefs and religion. seriously, just accept the fact that everything and everyone is equal and nothing is superior and inferior. I may not be as smart as you but at least I can try to accept what's true.<br />
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clear? or do you have to be re-educated just to understand this? please just use your common sense and don't try to act so smart or don't try to be like a lawyer who often makes sucky arguments that misleads everyone lol. <br />
sorry quite in a bad mood when I wrote this.. but at least this is honest.<br />
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And... If you think my sketches are okay and want me to draw for you.. then.. fine, go ask. and I make signs and do tektek. well.. feel free to ask and criticize just don't be too harsh please.. feel free to pay me as much as you want as long as it's a pretty reasonable price. I appreciate your patience, and don't make fun of me if you think I'm poor here in gaia.. I have a life. <br />
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oh yeah.. and I'M NOT EMO! it's just my profile, now go away (jk), if you don't want to, give me a cookie first!<br />
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- The Dark Lady
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