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Artist Info:
I'm an artist. I'm scatter brained. I draw what my mind depicts of the world. I say what I mean unless I'm super HYPT. 9 times out of 10 I'm emotionally detached; the 10% of the time I'm not I have little control over my emotions. Warning: You're better off not trying to get too close. Sometimes I get hurt, but most of the time I hurt others. I'm far from perfect, but I am me. And that's all I want to be.<br />
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Name: Harmoni <br />
Nickname: Ham(most commonly used), Harm, Germany, Armony, "Chick with the fro"<br />
Gaianick: N00b, Skates<br />
Age: 17<br />
Favorite colour: Orange and Slate Blue<br />
Favorite food: Pizza<br />
Favorite candy: Chocolate<br />
Favorite animal: Piggies<br />
Bestfriend(s): Armondo(Amanda), TehBlonde1(Kristi), Kaimburgler(Kaimberlynn), Melissa.<br />
Life Goal: Happiness.<br />
Favorite word: BEAST.<br />
Quote to live by: God is a figment of your imagination inforced by people who should be in an asylum. Taking advantage of your young, and naive mind.<br />
Phrase I say most: "I'm a beast."<br />
What I think of life: If you're not happy with your life, fuck the life you're living. <br />
Status: Single<br />
Favorite pasttime: Drawing or reading.<br />
Religion: Atheist<br />
Orientation: Straight<br />
Background: Jamaican, Native american, Swiss, German.<br />
Height: 5'8<br />
Favorite sport: Soccer<br />
Grade: 12th<br />
Live: Illinois, USA<br />
Music: Everything but country and classical, and 3OH!3 is BEAST.<br />
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I think that covers all you need to know about me. <br />
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<br /> - Avg. rating:
- 5 Fans
I have almost
no idea what
this poem
means. It was
supposed to be
about me , but
I don't
think so an - Understanding.
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 4 recent comments
a poem about
love, hate,
fear, and my
favorate, lust.
- Lust
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 3 recent comments
this si a song
I wrote that
forr acuostic
guitar. I amde
up a songe and
decide dto add
lyrics to it, - Taste for sui...
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 3 recent comments
A very old
poem I wrote
about a
stallion. The
flow may be
slightly off in
places, - Reckless Mirage
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 2 recent comments
Just a quick
lil' poem.
Plzz rate me
good!! - Nothing Matters
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 2 recent comments
- Worthless
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 1 recent comments
I guess there
is no better
name for what I
do, suffice to
say soldier.
But I would
rather it be
warr - Laments of a ...
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 1 recent comments
Well, It's
something that
I wrote a while
ago, I'm
not sure how
good it is, so
I'll let
you give me - Hate
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 1 recent comments
In English
Class we have
to write all of
these poems and
here is one of
them. Just to
let you know - Picture
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 1 recent comments
This was a
simple poem I
wrote in about
30 seconds, and
I liked it so I
thought I would
post it. So - If you love
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 2 recent comments
- Sad emo poem
- Our Love
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 3 recent comments
Enemy is the
name you give
to friends - Vacant Majesty
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 2 recent comments
Sorry for the
mess. - Necktie Birth...
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 1 recent comments
- Life Memories
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 2 recent comments
- Album
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 1 recent comments
- Ghost in the ...
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 1 recent comments
- On My Mind
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 1 recent comments
its bout things
it is a song,
its about the
time when the
country is at
its worst. when
hell breack - Motions
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 1 recent comments
I wrote in for
a chain poem in
the forums and
decided to put
it in the
:D tell me what
you - Ulikely Candies
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 3 recent comments
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