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    [sarcasm] That's right I'm faking being gay to steal your woman, destroy America, and kill religion! [/sarcasm]<br />
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    I hate the about me section, everyone always expects something fantastic. But you're totally getting what ever the fuck I give you got it?
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    My name is Rejekted Suicide and I don't care much for what the world thinks of me. I act like I want to act and dress how ever the hell I fucking please. I don't like that everyone thinks that, that since I am a woman, that I should be girly, and I hate that since I'm straight, but not, and I repeat not one of those girly bitches everyone sees on Gaia nowadays. Everyone thinks I should be girly. I'm the a delightful mix of both if I ever so please to do so, since it is my life, therefore you should worry about your own life, thank you. Oh, also, my face is His, and only His. My personality can be the most boring part about me, if you ever-so-do-so hate "boring personalities."<br />
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    I was born and raised in New York, so yeah, I'm a New Yorker dudette. I take it as compliment when people call me a "yankee." I do have some pride in my roots, I correct people who think stereotypes are truly indeed a fact.<br />
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    I am a writer of some short stories and poems that I share only to my best friends; and I also draw weird, odd, and inordinary creatures and things... But, I do have natural talent. I've been doing it for a long time and don't intend to stop at all. So smile pretty, I guess? xD<br />
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    I try my best to be nice to everyone, and I am not a retard, so don't call me that if you haven't even the chance to talk or know more about me. I have nothing against those that love their weird sexual orientations, but just don't bring it around me; meaning not a lot, but don't joke around with things like that with me, please. I require no stimulates to get my nerves being sliced.<br />
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    Aside from being a New Yorker kid, I have a great loving for most of it, but not a lot of it. It's the one place in the world that I want to settle in and never leave, except I do want to avoid some parts of it. I love Anime and some Manga but I've been growing out of that, because I mostly watch Ghost Hound, and mostly Comedy Central and some movies such as Resident Evil.<br />
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    I can get along with nearly anyone, and I'm not going to lie and say that if you piss me off, I am going to just deal with it. I have levels to my tolerance for people if you really do something to hurt me, offend me, or my friends, or even worse. There is a good chance I'm going to drop you like a rock and end it there. As for physically getting into a fight, I sometimes get wound up too much, and hurt somebody on accident, but get a grip, and try not to get on my bad sideā€“ok?<br />
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    There is a beauty in everything, I believe... Maybe it's just the artistry in me speaking for it's own self, but everything I look at holds some form of beauty, and even destruction and death.<br />
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    As cliche as it sounds, love can be the most amazing thing we all could or will ever feel, or see right along, but also with being the most painful as to breaking up, but keep positive! Although it astounds me with how much of an impact it can have on a person in both negative and positive ways, I find that in love, I keep few friends, as much as possible, and as for my real life best friends.. they're like brothers to me, and I don't want them to lose me, and I don't want to lose them; I believe in Karma; I believe that we should all find it somewhere in our minds, souls and heart to love somebody.<br />
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    What would you do if you are presented with a question where the answer is impossible...? Would you accept that an answer does not exist and ignore it? I have my own way of dealing with such a question. If a question that I have been given has an impossible answer, I will try and create a new answer for the question. You may think that I have loose ties with reality for doing so. But what in this reality doesn't have an answer and how is it supposed to get an answer if someone doesn't make one for it? There is not such thing as impossibility in this world. Only a unwillingness to push the subjects. In a this vast universe of possibility to udder the phrase "It's impossible" it the highest of sins.<br />
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    "There is no such thing as perfect in this world. That may sound cliche, but it's the truth. The average person admires perfection and seeks to obtain it. But what's the point of achieving perfection? There is none. Nothing. Not a single thing. I loathe perfection! If something is perfect, then there is nothing left. There is no room for imagination. No place left for that person to gain additional knowledge or abilities. Do you know what that means?"
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