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  • Artist Info: "I know my Redeemer lives...He lives forever, My Savior and my friend."<br />
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    My name is Yuni. I am 11 years old. I am a Homonculus; a Sin by the name of Agony.<br />
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    I am alone.<br />
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    I used to have a family...In a way, I suppose I still do. But how can I really be a little sister when their blood is no longer the same as mine?<br />
    I'll...I'll never grow up. I'll watch my brothers and sisters get older, but I'll never change. They'll just leave me behind again in the end...<br />
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    I used to have a family. <br />
    I used to be a person instead of a 'monster'.<br />
    Now I can only dream about it. <br />
    Once upon a time...<br />
    But then again, everything begins with 'Once upon a time' , doesn't it?<br />
    Even dreams... <br />
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    But dreams are only fairy tales, and fairy tales are lies.<br />
    Good doesn't win all the time, no matter how hard you try. <br />
    Darkness creeps in, blocking the light, and once again, a little bit of your soul dies.<br />
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    Everything I once had...everyone I once loved...it's nothing more than a dream from a past life. I can never go back...I can't even die, now. Not without someone killing me the right way...and so far, no one knows what that is. <br />
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    Not even me.<br />
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    I'm a child who was never a child, and who can never grow up. I am less than a shadow, but more than nothing. I feel pain just like humans, but I no longer show it. Torment and Suffering are my constant companions, they who are part of the entity of me, yet separate, unseen. Voices in the night. Delighting in the pain inflicted on the world, whether small or great...caused by my hands at the bidding of the Elder Sins. <br />
    Envy. <br />
    Lust.<br />
    Greed.<br />
    Gluttony.<br />
    Sloth.<br />
    Pride.<br />
    Wrath.<br />
    They set the stage,They inflict the damage, They cause the first strike. They are the Actors. The hundreds of Sins beneath their status are the Chorus, the Extras, though They too, see the stage. <br />
    I am the Stage-Hand, the Assistant; the one that silently gives the Actors' performances the final touch, the one that finishes the job in the middle of the night, who never leaves the sides of the Players. I know each of Them, though never we see each others' faces. My touch is the last thing Their victims feel as Death takes his dues. They are my Fear, yet my Life. My existence depends on Them, though They cannot kill me. They revel in my existence, yet Their hatred of me causes fear, as well...not of the child, but of the Sin. <br />
    Should They die, I will be Their Guide, and Their Keeper. They will be unable to escape me, regardless of mine or Their wishes. They will hate me far more than now, and my fear of Them will increase the Agony I bring to Them.<br />
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    I am the One That Follows After.<br />
    I am the Malingerer and the Guide to Death.<br />
    I am the Illusion of Sanity.<br />
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    I am the sin of the Sins.<br />
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    The family that was once my blood loves me, even with their knowledge of my Sins. And while a Sin's love is questionable, I love them still. It is this love that causes my avoidance, and prevents me from revealing to them the full extent of 'who' I am. <br />
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    I'm not that cruel. <br />
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    But.....even though I stay away for their own good.....<br />
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    I'm lonely. <br />
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    What type of Fae are you?<br />
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