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  • Artist Info: heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart <br />
    Tick tock goes the clock<br />
    And what now shall we play?<br />
    Tick tock goes the clock<br />
    And now summers gone away?<br />
    Tick tock goes the clock<br />
    And what now shall we see?<br />
    Tick tock until the day<br />
    That thou shalt marry me.<br />
    Tick tock goes the clock<br />
    And all the years they fly<br />
    Tick tock and all too soon<br />
    You and I must die.<br />
    Tick tock goes the clock<br />
    We laughed and played and mourned her<br />
    Tick tock goes the clock<br />
    He cradled her and rocked her<br />
    Tick tock goes the clock<br />
    Even for the Doctor....<br />
    heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart <br />
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