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Artist Info:
Name - Suchi<br />
Age - xxxx<br />
Location - Somewhere in the US O;<br />
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@ A @ What I R Likey @ A @<br />
• My Friends (cough if theyre still there) •<br />
• Curry @_@ •<br />
• Woo Black! •<br />
• Coffee (yum) •<br />
• The GazettE •<br />
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( ̄3 ̄)"a What I R Hate ( ̄3 ̄)"a<br />
✖ Sluts And Whores ✖<br />
✖ Girls who push their way to get anything they want ✖<br />
✖ People Who Copy My Profile In Anyway ✖<br />
✖ People who Beg ✖<br />
✖ Bright Colors @_@ ✖<br />
✖ Guys who cheat on Girls for another prettier girls ✖<br />
✖ Lazy People (Cough Cough My Brother) ✖<br />
✖ People Who yell across the friggin' school to their friends >_> ✖<br />
✖ Celery @_@"""" ✖<br />
✖ People who copy my friends and claim that they thought of it ✖<br />
✖ People who are cocky ✖<br />
✖ People who are fake ✖<br />
✖ Big Fish (Uh...its a phobia) ✖<br />
✖ People who ask for money but dun't pay it back (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ✖<br />
✖ Math.... Augh x-x ✖<br />
✖ Taking Out the trash (Eh not really) ✖<br />
✖ People who spam me >_> ✖<br />
✖ People who send chain mails ✖<br />
✖ People who pretend to be ur friend but backstab you because u were in the way ✖<br />
✖ Guys who flirt with multiple girls at once ✖<br />
✖ Boys/Girls who ask "Do you want to be my girlfriend/boyfriend?" to a random person who has kewl clothes ✖<br />
✖ People who insult my friends ✖<br />
✖ People critisizing my hate list ✖<br />
✖ Waking up early when I stayed up gaming ✖<br />
✖ Anyone touching my neck, legs or back (COUGH COUGH MY BROTHER COUGH) ✖<br />
✖ Being unable to understand japanese (ohh how i wish i could) ✖<br />
✖ Losing games ._. ( Ya...im a sore loser) ✖<br />
✖ People who say "Ya, Ya I know, I know" while cutting your hair but it COMES OUT WRONG (stupid lady gave me a friggin mushrewm cap once) ✖<br />
✖ People who hate people (Lol im a hypokrite) ✖<br />
✖ People (Girls especially) who spasm how much they like a celebrity and ask "Someday Ima be married to him/her and you won't!" ✖<br />
✖ People seeing you and not saying hi ✖<br />
✖ Being unable to sneeze ✖<br />
✖ Litterers @_@ ✖<br />
✖ When someone you dunt know is talking to me the i get nervous feeling ✖<br />
✖ Being underaged and not being able to go into certain places (Las Vegas casinos ._. parents got to go in but i got kicked out) ✖<br />
✖ People driving who doing etc. and not focusing on the road ✖<br />
✖ People who smoke near no smoking signs ✖<br />
✖ People who do drugs because they think its "kewl" ✖<br />
✖ Skinny People (oh how i wish i was skinny) ✖<br />
✖ Tea ✖<br />
✖ When you have to wait for the chef to prepare your food and when it comes out it tastes like crap ._. ✖<br />
✖ The sound of nails scraping up against the chalkboard ✖<br />
✖ Skeletons (Uh...yea its creepy) ✖<br />
✖ English raps songs that i dunt understand (what theyre saying i mean) ✖<br />
✖ People who bite their nails (eew) ✖<br />
✖ People who talk over the teacher == ✖<br />
✖ People who push others out of the conversation ✖<br />
✖ People taunting you to fight but they know that they cant fight either ✖<br />
✖ Expecting something to happen but it doesnt ✖<br />
✖ People pushing their way out of the bus when you have to get out too ✖<br />
✖ People who glare at my friends (Cough Cough friend actually) ✖<br />
✖ People who say "Do you hate me" when you obviously do ✖<br />
✖ Waiting in line ✖<br />
✖ Being ignored ✖<br />
✖ Liars ✖<br />
✖ A messy rewm ✖<br />
✖ Myspace ✖<br />
✖ Babies crying ✖<br />
✖ Acne (Oh how i wish mine would go away) ✖<br />
✖ Not knowing whats wrong until someone tells me ✖<br />
✖ Not being able to find the right words (Lulz i stutter so much) ✖<br />
✖ Home sickness ✖<br />
✖ MONDAYS AUGH (=3 =) ✖<br />
✖ Rich people who get whatever they want (they dunt enjoy the essence of life) ✖<br />
✖ That ONE B thats in the way of giving you a 4.0 GPA ✖<br />
✖ The SAT And PSAT ✖<br />
✖ Summer school (lulz....gots to go summer school for 7 years....) ✖<br />
✖ Parents who nag you to do stuff when you already did them ✖<br />
✖ Girls with bigger boobs than me (._. i gots small boobs) ✖<br />
✖ Guys/Girls who neglect theyre best friend and go after another girl even though they know that their best friend likes them ✖<br />
✖ Commercials that repeat themselves ✖<br />
✖ People who take credit for everything even though they know that they didnt do it ✖<br />
✖ Headaches ✖<br />
✖ People who critsize you because of your familes/parents relationship with them ✖<br />
✖ Old video casettes ✖<br />
✖ People who hog things even though its not theirs ✖<br />
✖ People who brag ✖<br />
✖ People who didnt finish reading my hate list ✖<br />
✖ High places and leaning over a high railing ✖<br />
✖ People who do bad things but dunt care about how others feel ✖<br />
✖ Makeup ✖<br />
✖ Nail polish (@_@ augh...) ✖<br />
✖ People who critisize my art ✖<br />
✖ People who act cute for attention ✖<br />
✖ When your ears pop on an airplane (OMG THAT HURTS LIKE HELL) ✖<br />
✖ Fancy thingys that dunt work ✖<br />
✖ Running out of lead ✖<br />
<br />
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