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Artist Info:
I'm a straight dude who has had his heart broken many times.I haven't truly found the person who's right for me.I'm just about to give up but there is something that keeps me in the light and i'm glad for that. I'm a football player/dork who loves anime/cartoons and sports. So if your one of those people who like to laugh at people who watch different things than you i have a fist that will fit down your throat nicely. I don't especially like the extremely immature people who really can't read the atmosphere. Except that doesn't mean that i won't step in for you and fight with you. I would never hit a girl or think about seriously injuring a girl. I'm the type of guy who is really dense (told to me by this girl who apparently liked me but my best friend had to have a serious talk with me to literally explain all the hint and signals she gave me because she wanted to ask me out(i felt stupid after that)) and a person who will listen to any problem and will give any advice that i can.<br />
facial features<br />
-black hair<br />
-dark brown eyes<br />
-no acne<br />
-wears glasses/Contacts<br />
-i do work out so..... i guess built?<br />
-age-18<br />
favorite type of music<br />
-rap <br />
-rock<br />
-r&b<br />
-dubstep<br />
-a little country<br />
-alternative<br />
If you hate me i just want to let you know that i won't lose any sleep over you. (except my gf (i still have a heart nevertheless))<br />
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