Sage-Hyuuga's Gallery
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let see the names matt but you can call me sage im and easy going kinda guy i can do anything and have fun, i like video games a lot, i like to figure stuff out on my own, i rarely like geting help from others,i like wereing cloths that others would not, i like when people say why are you doing that or why do you wereing that it looks stupid idk it makes me feel diffrent in a good way, i play around a lot, i talk alot, im a great person to talk to , i give great advice (ask anyony, um i dont try and make some one like me, if you dont like me then well your loss bud, i like doing things my own may,i think a best day would be hanging out with a select few at the mall or something, i like cartoons still, i act like a kid, i say random things,ill always try to keep a smile on your face,im the guy you can call at 3am to just cry on the phone and ill stay up even thought i have to be at work at 6:30am, i like brain teasers, i like math, i like harry potter, im a big anime fan, i have only said i love you twice and im still single(what are the odds, i always tell the truth even thought it dont seem like it but i do, i keep to my self, if i over hear something dont go tell others that what we call "rumors", i dress hiphop but like the whole dark emo thing, i love my hair no matter what you say, i have been told i have the gorgeous eyes yet, um......... i think theres more idk....
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