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(this scrolls. media is a playlist.<3)<br />
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hey. i'm roo. (:<br />
i'm your typical human being: complicated.<br />
there's no possible way to sum up who i am.<br />
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i can tell you a few things about me though.<br />
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i'm a christian who believes in loving people like they're family. no matter their sexual preference, mistakes in the past, religion, and so on. people are people. we all sin. i'd be the first to say that i've made a crap load of mistakes in my life. but no matter what mistakes we make we shouldn't hate each other.<br />
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i've been a huge fan of harry potter since i was in elementary school. i've read all the books multiple times, seen avpm and avps, listen to every new episode of mugglecast, i've seen all the movies and i have multiple harry potter posters hanging up in my room. i also listen to a lot of w-rock. my current favorite w-rock band is the remus lupins because of their album i was a teenage werewolf. wizard rock twist, anyone?<br />
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i. love. pokemon. well, more like i adore them actually. i've spent countless hours wishing i could zap myself into the world of pokemon and befriend the glorious little buggers. right now i'm playing pokemon white and loving it. this game is so amazing. my favorite pokemon is definitely dragonair. i love dratini too, though. i'm always up for a trade or battle so just let me know if you want to swap friend codes! <br />
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i'm a fan of doctor who but i haven't been watching it too long. the first episode i ever saw was when the tenth doctor lost rose. sad much? i kept watching it though and now i'm wishing that one day i'll be able to make my own tardis-shaped secret tree house fort. i'm thinking that if i ever get to make one, i'll have dinner parties inside. it'll be super classy, trust me.<br />
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i'm sixteen and i'm a junior. despite what you may think, this is not a super fun age. it's the age were you have to start seriously thinking about what you want to do with your life and that can be completely terrifying, let me tell you. right now i have my heart set on going to college to study art. i don't dream of being a famous artist or anything like that, really. what i dream of is immuring my life in art completely. as they say: i want to live it, breath it, dream it and eat it. or however the saying goes. i think that being an art teacher would be really cool too. an elementary school art teacher, that is. (: <3 (LOLOL I PROBABLY SOUND LIKE A CREEP. um.)<br />
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i guess that's about it. i can't think of anything else to write, anyways. you can always contact me though comments, messages or by dropping by my charity. - Avg. rating:
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