• Moore walked through the door into the lab. As he entered, the scientist sitting at the computer station turned around in his chair to face Moore.
    “How are the tests coming?” Moore asked.
    “We’ve managed to successfully extract DNA from the subject. The subject is stable at the moment.”
    Moore gazed at the body floating in the tube that was located in front of the scientist. As he watched it, Moore could see the creature’s wings floating in the liquid.
    “The fabled angel of vengeance….it’s amazing that you still exist…” Moore mused. The subject opened its eyes as Moore watched it, and returned his gaze with a vengeful stare.
    “Will the subjects be ready for the gene splice soon, sir?” the scientist asked Moore.
    Moore spoke while keeping his eyes on the angel. “The three soldiers are prepared as we speak. The splicing will take place tomorrow.”
    Moore turned around and strode out of the door. As it opened, the scientist asked one last question.
    “Sir, what will happen if the soldiers can’t handle the angel’s DNA? How will we succeed?”
    Moore stopped in the open doorway. Without turning his head, Moore sternly said, “They won’t fail. Project Godbirth will succeed. These three soldiers will be the perfect humans, no matter what.” The door closed behind Moore, leaving the scientist with his captured angel.