• Chapter 1: To Hea!

    "Cim get up today's the day!" She could hear someone call. She was still asleep on her matress which like all people on her planet called War had to sleep on. She was supposed to be up already because ever since June 15, 3000 the kids on Moon Island had to be sent away to another planet they had named after their god Hea. Thankfuly Cim was always dressed in the same white long sleeved shirt and black pants with boots with belts and her hair which looked like a faded brown shirt was always in a long ponytail. She quickly woke up and hopped down from the matress which was in a cutout in the wall above her doorway which led to her empty room. She quickly opened her closet and took out her bow and arrows in her quiver along with her guitar so she would be prepared to leave. She hurried downstairs into the kitchen to meet te rest of her family at the door. The people of War had yet to invent electricity so there wasn't much need for a living room. They also didn't need showers or toilets because of how different their bodies were from a person's on Earth. This was why all seven of the doors upstairs were bedrooms for Cim's mom, Cim, and her five siblings Jennifer, Derek, Thrice, Michelle, and Ella. Their mom waved goodbye as the six children headed towards the center of town where the other kids were waiting. Cim quickly left her five siblings when she saw her best friend Bridget standing in the back row of the crowd. When everyone was at the center of town and they were all quiet a man spoke, "We will now split you all into teams." So he called out the members of each group and they quickly headed towards their boats. Bridget, Cim, Missy, and Muffy were in the same group. Cim was happy about having her best friend in her group but the both loathed Missy and Muffy who were best friends too. They werer snobby and stuck-up girls that bullied Cim and Bridget all the time and if being in the same group wasn't bad enough they also lived right across the street from Cim and Bridget. So the teams got into their boats and went to the middle of the ocean like they were instructed to so they could enter the big tubes of water in space called Water Ways that people used to go from planet to planet. But when Cim's group finally entered the Water Ways Missy was gone.