• ...Her voice, though he couldn't see her tears, was cracking with each word she spoke. "I was there..." She whispered into the darkness. "I could've...I should've...but I didn't..." Her next words were a wail. "And now the only family I have is DEAD!"

    The rain was pouring harder around them, though neither Soul Reaper seemed to notice. Histugaya felt something he really wished he didn't; pity, Pity for the girl that has been a thorn in his side forever. So...why was he walking toward her? Why was his hand on her shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze? And why was she suddenly in his arms, sobbing her eyes dry? "Don't cry..." He heard himself murmur softly in her ear.

    Her response was a quiet whimper. "How can I not? How can I survive, knowing I'm the reason my twin brother is dead?" Her hand captured a fistful of his shirt. "How can I face the world, when I'm all alone in it?"