• "Heeeey Sienna! Over here!" Kusame called, waving his arms above his head as the crowd of uni students passed him. Sienna's hand shielded her eyes from the sun as she walked over to her exchange student friend,
    "What are you doing?" he asked slowly, looking up at the sky, "It's a hot day, but the sun’s not that bright!" he pushed Sienna's hand out of her face. Sienna slapped his arm away and placed it back,
    "Well it is for me ok? I had a rough night, and my head is killing me!" she snapped, as they walked through the dorms and off the campus into the main building,
    "Ahhhhh shaaade!" Sienna let out a deep breath and lowered her hand,
    "Well serves you right for partying the day before uni starts a new semester!" Kusame grinned, while Sienna punched him in the arm to shut him up,
    "Serenity and I got some add-ons for our cameras so you don’t need to fix it up on your computer program anymore. Professor Wittle said something about our new term assignment being different. I'm glad Serenity's on our team!"
    Kusame rolled his eyes,
    "Umm yeah Sienna, he wanted something different, not a whole new level of weird! You know we got stuck with Serenity because no one else would take her!"
    "What? Don't say that! I like her, I think she's quirky! She adds something the other students don't have. So really she is an asset. And she takes superb photos!" Sienna argued as they entered the class room and took their usual seats. Kusame set his laptop on the table before engaging himself in some experimental digital editing; while Sienna make sure her camera lenses was clean.
    "Sienna, Kusame, how are you?" Serenity said enthusiastically, sitting next to Sienna. Kusame ignored Serenity and concentrated on his work. Sienna sighed and looked at Serenity,
    "Great to see you Serenity!" she beamed passing her new camera lens to Serenity to examine. As serenity reached over to take it, their hands touched for a second, Serenity's eyes widened and grabbed hold of Sienna's hand,
    "Goodness its freezing! Are you okay?" she said earnestly, freaking Sienna out,
    "I'm fine!" she said, trying to snatch her hand away. Kusame had heard,
    "Freezing?!" he said, suddenly excited, grabbing Sienna's arm and hugging it,
    "Wow you're right! It’s just like a cooler! We won't need an air conditioner todaaaay,"
    "Guuuuys! Cut it oooooout!" Sienna shook off her classmates, slightly annoyed. Her two friends laughed and faced the front as the professor started the lecture, and the room fell silent.
    "aaaah peeeace at LAST!" Sienna thought, aiming to focus on the teacher. Sienna focus was destroyed when she heard a noise. The throbbing noise got louder as if it was right next to her ears. Sienna realised she could hear heartbeats. The whole entire classes heartbeats. Every heart in the room was now beating so loudly as if they were screaming and Sienna quickly became terrified. Covering her ears in an attempt to get rid of the noise, she began to cry. Serenity turned to look at Sienna with tears streaming down her face and gasped. Sienna and looked at Serenity for help. Acting quickly, Serenity grabbed hold of Sienna and pulled her up as they ran out of the room together towards the bathroom. Sienna was now worried as to what exactly Serenity had seen, as she could not hear the noises she could. Serenity slammed the door open and ran inside, Sienna close behind. Once they reached the mirror, Serenity stopped and stared at Sienna, before nodding at the mirror solemnly. Sienna was now scared as to what she wanted her to see. Slowly, oh so slowly, Sienna faced the mirror. She opened her mouth to scream but was so horrified the sound could not escape her for fear of going insane. Sienna's face was teary, but the tears were not normal tears. It was Blood.