• Tal woke up and went about as she went through her morning routine. She stretched from her cat ears to her bushy tail to her toes. She scratched her ears and unlike most other mornings, took a bath.
    It felt strange to be taking a bath. Tal had never had many. And when she had had one, it was only once every few months. As she washed her long, tangled black hair, she heard a loud banging on the door. She jumped in the bathwater, hackles raised.
    "IT'S MORNING! LET ME IN! I NEED TO SPEAK WITH YOU!" hollered Knight Silverblade outside the door. Tal shrank back into the water irritated. She hadn't expected him to spend the night outside the door. She thought he'd give up as soon as she'd said she wouldn't let him in. Apparently she had been quite wrong.
    "I'm taking a bath!" answered Tal with an annoyed hiss.
    There was silence on the other side. Tal continued to bathe. However. . .
    "All the more reason to let me in!" yelled the young man angrily. "Either you let me in or I break down this door!"
    Fenwick scurried up to Tal's bare shoulder. "Not very patient, is he? And quite a lecher as well." he said to her.
    Tal sighed. "Fenwick, hand me a towel. Might as well not be responsible for any damage he causes."
    Fenwick's green eyes widened in surprise. "You're gonna let that man in when you're wearin' nothin' but a towel?"
    Tal nodded. She got up out of the tub and garbed herself in a soft, pink towel. She silently walked to the door and opened it to find Knight standing there. At the sight of her dressed in only a towel, his tan face seemed to turn tomato red. Tal paid no attention to this.
    "Alright, I'm here. What do you want to talk to me about? And please don't let your mouth hang open like a fish's" the girl said evenly. A drop of water fell from her tail.
    Knight looked around and whispered, "May we discuss this in your room?"
    Tal nodded without the slightest hint of emotion. The went into the room, Fenwick glaring at Silverblade suspiciously. The young man closed the door.
    Tal turned and said, "Alright, now what is it you need to speak to me about?"
    Knight sat on the bed, nearly missing the small Fenwick by an inch. Tal crossed her arms impatiently. Knight smiled at her awkwardly. She pulled her lips back into a snarl, emitting a small hiss.
    "I'm waiting." said Tal.
    With a flash of a smile, Knight dutifully questioned, "What is your name? And what is your business here? I know practically everyone in the village, but I've never seen you before. Or anyone with a pine martin one their shoulder for that matter."
    "You came up here to aske me that?" exclaimed Tal irrtatedly, stomping up to him, her face merely an inch from his. Fenwick had made his way to his hand, ready to bite it.
    Knight wasn't even detered. "Are you going to answer my question or not?"
    Tal sat down heavily on the floor and crossed her limber legs. "Fine. My name is Tal and this is Fenwick. I'm traveling to settle a debt. Fenwick is merely coming with me. He's a pleasant companion." she answered coldly.
    Knight smiled, pleased with himself. He arose from his seat on the bed and floated to Tal's spot on the floor. "Now I have one more question. Actually, it's not so much of a question. More of a statement."
    Tal looked up at him, her gold eyes flinty. "What is it?" she asked, baring her sharp teeth.
    "I'm coming with you. Whether you want me to or not." he stated plainly.