• Once there was a young girl named Clarissa Estrada the lll she was 10 years old.
    She lived in a mental hostipal because she killed both her mom and dad.
    She got a need to kill so she killed 23 staff members at the hostipal.
    So the goverment decided to put her to rest.[Get killed slowly.]
    Then they set her up in a special room to kill her, as human as possible.
    Suddenly out of the clear blue sky, something happened to the machine.
    Now every week on the day of her misstaken death, she romes the streets and trys to find a relative or family member of the hostipal staff and the goverment that killed her and kreeps in to there room at night and kills them,
    but very slowly taking limb by limb of the human.Then wathes you bleed to death.That is the tale of Clarissa Estrada the lll.