• The Book: Chapter Six- Piano Black

    I heard a piano playing and opened my eyes to the sight of myself playing a Grand black piano in a ballroom with people listening from all around. It was an elegant room with massive chandeliers. The room's colors were mostly of gold with cherry wood red. The people and clothes were familiar. I had seen them in a history book of the time when Beethoven and Mozart were alive. It was as if I were Beethoven Himsef! Couples danced in the center of the ballroom to my music. Swaying back and forth, they danced to my rythm. It was as if they were marionettes and I was their puppteer. I was controlling their every move with my music. I could make them sway with a new phrase, spin with an octae change, and pause them with a dramatic pause in the music. It was mesmeizing. They were laughing and smiling without a care in the world because I made them forget. It was I who gave them this joy! All I asked in return was to have complete control over them as I played, and they gladly agreed. What began as a waltz was now a song of control. As my song continued, it took a new shape. A few trumpets, a saxohone, a trombone, and even a drummer added in. The ballroom slowly changed into an old club in Chicago when swing a jazz were on top! Although the room, the music, even the people changed, the people and my power over them were the same. My friends, sway, swing, spin, stop- they were all there. No matter what time or what place, music was there to control the people, and the people were there to be controlled by the music. Music truly is powerful! As I drew closer to the end of my song, the people began to awaken from my control. Finall, my song ended with a roar of applause.