• Everyone has secrets. For an instance you have been running in your dreams, that’s one sign. I have many secrets and I don’t have the plans to reveal them just now. My name is Farrah. I have been hiding from reality. I survive in dreams. *

    Chapter 1: road

    It happened one cold, spring day. I was preparing for my first year in high school. The bus honked, I went out and hopped in the bus. I saw happy, nervous, sad and excited faces. I was neither. It felt like it was another normal school day except you would introduce yourself in-front of new students. The bus rode down and rushed like the wind. I held my books on my lap tightly. I stared out the window wondering ‘what and who is waiting for me?’ I sighed.

    As the bus slowed down, I set my eyes once again out the window. I saw the traffic light lighted red. While I was having some moments of silence, someone patted my shoulder and asked if he could sit beside me. I agreed since I’m sitting alone. I didn’t bother talking to him. I waited for him to speak to me. “I’m Ethan. What’s yours?” I turned my back against the window and answered, ”Mine’s Farrah.” I stopped and waited for a reply. “What a nice name you got. What does your name meant?” he asked as if we had a connection. I smiled and stared into those green, glowing eyes of his, “I don’t really know. My mom said it came from a teaching her father told her. How about yours?” I answered holding the ends of my elbows. “It meant fierce and strong but I was never fierce nor strong. I’m just like other people, calm.” He smiled and laughed.

    The bus stopped. We have arrived. It ended our conversation. I stood up and walked down the aisle of the bus. As I come down, I waved and said goodbye. I walked slowly down the lawn outside the campus with my head bowed down. I heard someone shouted my name. I looked around. I saw no one but everybody busy talking to their friends. What a strange feeling. Is it just I or did somebody really shouted my name?

    Chapter 2: Caution

    I entered the shallow hall still with my head bowed down. I was walking until I bumped on someone and dropped all my things and landed on my behind. I sat up and picked the mess. “I’m so sorry. I wasn’t looking.” I said with embarrassment. “No, it’s alright. Let me help you.” He asked. I refused and breathed in deeply. I thanked him anyway for helping me and rushed down the hall.

    I headed to my room. I saw Ethan with his green eyes still glowing. I sat and settled down. Once again, Ethan went to me and did a little chat with me. “So, we will be learning in one room.” He smiled. “I guess so. You better get back to your seat before professor arrives.” I suggested.

    I had Music and Melody in the morning. Ms. Erin asked each one of us could play an instrument. I chose the piano and was surprised to see that all of them were interested with the drums and guitars. She asked me to play a piece since I was the only one who chose the said instrument. I played a piece I personally composed. While playing, I suddenly felt like I was floating. I could feel my fingers move the way it wants. Every time I open my eyes I could see my mentor feel so relaxed. I finished the piece and rushed to my seat. She congratulated me and said, “You have talent. Keep it up. Don’t let your fear distract you.” I paused for a moment. I felt threatened but I thought it’s just a simple word of caution.

    The day passed. It’s afternoon and it’s time to go home.

    Chapter 3: Silence

    The bell rang for about 20 seconds. I went to my locker and settled my unwanted notebooks and things. I, once again, passed through the shallow hall hearing all the murmuring and conversation of the other kids. I exited the campus and walked home. While strolling down the road, I can’t help but notice that abandoned lot that overlooked the hills. I stopped and thought I could stay for a while. Finally, I found a place where I could spend time alone reminiscing and pondering.

    I sat on a rock and opened a novel my friend last year gave me. I could hear the wind whistle and feel it touch my cheeks. I closed my eyes, sighed and relaxed.

    I was in the 8th chapter when, someone called me. I turned my back and saw Ethan. “Hey. What are you doing?” He asked with a pretty low voice. “Nothing. I’m just reading this book.” I answered. He sat beside me and looked in the horizon. “How was your day?” He asked. “It was fine. It’s just like any other school day. How’s yours?” “Fine, too.” HE replied. I took a glance on my watch, “It’s time for me to go home. How about you?” I excused, escaping from company. “No, not yet. Would you like me to walk you?” He offered. I agreed.

    We walked down the quiet streets. I didn’t say a word. I remained silent but something’s telling me to talk. I opened my mouth but no words came out. No voice spoke. I placed my hands in the pocket of my jeans. It felt so cold. I didn’t felt I was shivering but Ethan did.

    “Here. Have my jacket. You need it more than I do.” He covered my shoulders with his jacket and gave me a hug and smile to make me feel warm. I said my thanks to him and smiled. He carried some of my things. I was very grateful to have him as my friend. I never realized that even if this day turned out to be bad at first, something nice would just pop out of thin air.

    I stopped and turned to him, “You could leave me here. I could go home myself from here. Thanks for the jacket.” I smiled and returned the jacket, “See you tomorrow.” I waved and continued walking.