• I woke up dazed and confused, what had happened. I looked over and saw my brother lying there lifeless i started to sob, then all of a sudden sirens from every corner rang. People started to take Johan out of the thats when i realized he was alive, i fell unconscious again but i could still hear voice they were talking and said my mom had 3 broken ribs and that she might not make it. then i woke up. i saw my dad "DADDY oh daddy" i ran into his arms"what happened" i asked his response "you were in an accident, johan didi isak and erik ae in several other hospitals' i started to sob once more i fell asleep in is arms as we waited for my brother to get out of surgury, when i woke up my brother was awake also i ran over to him "johan johan are you ok" he started crying "i cant feel my legs they wont work THEY WONT WORK" he screamed. i went to see my sister next she was screaming so she was put under to a deep sleep, then isak and erik they were fine but they had to have surgury too.
    thats the end all my mom would tell me most of this is true except i wasnt able to speak.