• there was a girl named samara morgan she was popular in school and she has the greatest life out of school.the school talent show was coming she wanted to join because she wanted to be more popular and wanted her crush chris to notice her.then the day of the talent show came samara was ready and very nervous then it was her turn to go on stage but before she went on stage she took a deep breath and did her best on stage.after everyone had a turn it was time to see who won and the winner was samara morgan.she was so happy and glad she won and after her speech it was time to go home but after she left she went by chris and smiled and before she went home chris asked her if she can go on a date with him to a special resturanut tommorow.samara couldn't wait for tommorow.tommorow after school midnight it was time for their date they went to the resturanut together and had fun and alot of laughter.days and weeks came by and they were boyfriend and girlfriend the more they hang out the more closer she got with him.then one night of their date samara was waiting outside of the resturanut then a few hours later the resturanut was closed she went to chris's house and knock on the door she saw mrs.maces samara asked if chris was there but mrs.maces anwsered in a sad face chris died 4 years ago."that can't be"but after she asked mrs.maces a question but before she did mrs.maces closed the door on her.samara was very scared after hearing chris died 4 years ago.she heard screaming and turned around and didn't see a car coming and she got hit.then she went to the hostpital but she didn't live she lost her life and before they knew she died she was also pregnet. now she as a new life in heaven......

    THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!