• As the hearts of the others raced, Aurora kept hers steady.
    Game; also known as Yugi, once were optimistic, but now on low. She too had been waiting, but nothing like this had ever crossed her mind.
    Aurora eyed the group of ten as they showed nothing but fear at what was before them and carefully pulled Game aside.
    “Game.” She spoke.
    Out of reaction, Game replied, “I’m not scared; it just took me by surprise.”
    “Game. We must go…” Aurora remarked making Game understand.
    Game glanced back at the chained beast before her and nodded before following Aurora into the back of the near by forest.
    Once hidden and away from the crowed Aurora spoke, “We made a mistake!”
    “I know sister, but what are we to do now?” Game replied in the same tone as Aurora.
    Taking a deep breath Aurora leaned back on a tree. “I wish I knew sis, I wish I knew.”
    Game took her long slim tail in hand and sat on the ground where she stood.
    “We must think of something, if Dr. Badge finds out we played around near his magic, he’ll scold us for sure.”
    Aurora sighed, “I fear it maybe to late…”
    Game shot her a look, “Don’t say that! We can fix what is broke!”
    Aurora played with her ear in thought. “Maybe we can reverse the spell.”
    “But we don’t even know what cased the spell to go off in the first place” Game pointed out jumping to her feet.
    “Then what?”
    Both stayed silent, thinking, waiting, they needed a plan, and a good one.
    “What about that book we found?” Game replied remembering something.
    “Of course!” Aurora snapped her fingers as the thought was replenished. “Come on sis! There’s no time to waste!”
    Aurora and Game explored the dark familiar room searching; if the magic had cased harm then of sure the book could fix the wrong done.
    “Aurora…I found it.” Game said lifting a flat heavy object to dark to really see what it was from afar.
    Both left to see in the light of out side and opened the blue book impatiently.
    After what seemed like days, they found the verse; “Here Game! Here! ‘After all that had been wronged, after all that has been undone, place the right and done into the light of dawn!’” the verse was read as fast as Aurora saw it and waited.
    However, with the foolishness of the young and the ignorance of the wise, the hopping beast chained by mice was not released but imbedded into the two giving them big feet and tails, and the ability to jump, both Aurora and Game became the first to be known as… Kangaroo Rats!

    *When one has done wrong, it is best to seek help, other wise the problem may get worse.*