• My name is Draco Darkness. I was born into a world where mythological creatures are all around, and are at a constant struggle to get along with the humans of our world, also called terrans, which they take as an insult, because in Draconus, it means inferior intelligence, stupid, weakling, take your pick.
    Anyway, There are a few different countries, or "worlds," in which we are divided into. There is the Underworld, home to demons and the best organized force ready to strike at any time.
    Also, the Sazi world, which almost all dragons, wolves, and giant insects call their home. Another is the Spirit world, the place where most spirits call home and it's the only region where they can speak to their family members without penalty of law. Another, one that you all know, is the human world.
    Most humans nowadays have no idea that there are other worlds out there that hold all of the creatures that they usually only read about in stories. We call these particular humans, the "Unawakened," which simply means that their eyes haven't been opened to be able to see the other "worlds." Another world is called the Forbidden World. That's where they send all of the rule-breakers of any world, where their soul slowly gets sucked from their bodies. And finally, there is the Light world, where all of the light creatures and the most powerful of any race reside.
    Anyways, let me tell you about my origins. My father, a black dragon, was part of a very powerful council called the Draconus Council. He was one of the few people who thought that the human race was a fascinating species. He also wondered what would happen when you tried to cross breed humans with other creatures. So, he decided that he'll create the first test subject. Hence, he married my mother, Diana Darkness. She was a priestess of the sightseer clan in the Sazi world.
    She was young, beautiful, and innocent.. Surely she would create the perfect specimen to show to the council. So, later, he married with her, and soon after, I was born. I wasn't what he expected. I looked strange to him. I had a dragon's tail, wings, horns and face. The rest of me was human.
    He was fascinated by this, however, like all fascinating things, It faded. My wings, tail, horns and face changed into a normal human's. He never expected this. So, he assumed that I was a failure and he left my mother to raise me on her own.
    At first, she had a hard time with it, but eventually, she got used to it. When I went to magus academy for the first time, I realized that I was the only person that nobody liked, although I could never figure out why. Everyone I introduced myself to looked at me and ran for either the teachers, or their parents, if they were there. When they did, their parents looked at me and always said something like "Stay away from my child you freak!" or "We don't speak to your kind!" or my personal favorite, "Why is that THING here, Diana? You swore that you wouldn't let any of your pets out of their cages!"
    As you could see, I wasn't the most popular kid when I was young. The kids used to pick on me a lot, so I had a little fun with them, too. Yeah, sure, I let them tease me and all, but when it came to combat practice, Oh, I had revenge on them! When they pissed me off in combat training, I suddenly grew horns and was as strong as fifty people! Oh yeah, it was fun. Although when I did, my sensei beat me for creating something that would illegally give me an unfair advantage in battle.
    Although all was not bad, because later, I actually started to make friends after a while. Their species were what I thought was a human girl, a spirit, a demon, a serpent, an insect-human hybrid and many wolves. The demon's name was Charles Darkness, the spirit's: Dakota Smith. The serpent's: Geniside. The hybrid: her name was Lilah. The wolves' names go as follows: Dicos, Leon, Amanda, Sentum, and finally, Delinga. Finally, the human girl. I never really got to know her name, but she was beautiful, so we all called her Beauty. We were all the best of friends, and we didn't care what other people thought of our group. We stuck up for one another. Sure sometimes, we had our small quarrels, but what friends didn't?
    I was eleven years old when I was finally allowed to leave the academy. When I did, my mother thought it was time that I finally knew of my origins, and of my father. She told me everything. That my father was none other than the traitor to the infamous Draconus Council, Ma'el Kae'eskh, and that my Draconus name was Kha'avo Kae'eskh. I was shocked when she told me all of these things. I asked her "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
    She simply replied "I didn't want you to know that your father is a criminal."
    When I finally turned sixteen, I finally decided that it was time that I Went back to the academy to become a teacher there, and to teach the students that no matter who you are, you're still a living, speaking, air-breathing being, and that we all have something in common.
    Well, when I came back to the academy, it turned out that they already had a combat teacher who was teaching that sort of thing. Leon. It turned out that he also wanted to teach students that, too, so he and I decided to take separate parts of the class. He took the wolves, while I took the dragons, humans and the half-breeds. At first, all went well, until someone shouted out "Get away from me you stupid Terran!!!"
    With that, I immediately turned around and shouted "Who Said that!?" silence. "Come on, speak up!" silence. Finally, a single Draconus boy raised his hand. His name was Kha'aza Kre'evoo.
    I walked over to him and asked him "Why would you say such an insult?" he was silent. I told him that that was one word that was never to be spoken in this class, because it singles out the humans and it makes them feel like dirt when you call them that.
    When I finally got that past him, I simply gave him a hug, and told him to rejoin the class, and that he wasn't in any kind of trouble, that I was just disappointed. With that, we resumed the combat lesson. Later, he and I became good friends. I was glad to see him pass and graduate from the academy.
    Afterwards, Leon and I decided that it was time to set out on an adventure to find my sister. That's right; I forgot to tell you about my sister. Well, her name is Luna. She's my half sister, because she and I share the same mother, but a different father. Although she was a very nice child, my mother was forced to abandon her to a random woman, because my mother had just been sold into slavery, and her child would have been killed.
    Anyway, while on the trail to find her, Leon and I stumbled on, and I mean literally stumbled, upon our good friend, Geniside. It turned out that he was just on his way to meet my sister, and he would be more than happy to escort me to her. When he took us to the Underworld, I thought at first that she must be part of the army there. What blew that out of the water was the fact that we just walked through all of the camps and training grounds, and went straight to the palace. So I thought that maybe she was one of the servants to the queen there, or worse, a slave. But no, we went straight to the throne room, and Geniside said "Hail, Luna, Chief Captain and queen of
    the Underworld!" I was shocked!
    When I walked up, I tried to introduce myself.
    "Hello, your highness. You may not know me, but I'm your brother-"
    "BROTHER DRACO!!!" she immediately ran over to me, well, more like flew over to me, and gave me a HUGE hug. "I was wondering when you'd come and see me!"
    "Um, what's happening here?" asked Leon.
    "Oh, and I see that you've brought your wolf friend!" she said excitedly.
    "Well, yeah. He and I are kind of traveling together. By the way, how the HELL do you know who I am?" I asked her.
    "Well, you see, mother never stopped talking about you in her letters to me. She kept on talking about how proud she was of you for learning to control the beast within you, and how much she loved the fact that you made friends. She even sent me a picture of you," and she showed me it. I never knew how proud she and my mother were of me.
    "Well, now, I bet you and your friends are tired. Servants! Take the prince and his friends to their rooms!"
    "Um, excuse me, but did you just say Prince?" I asked her.
    "Oh, yeah. I forgot to tell you. I told the entire Underworld that whenever you showed up here, that you shall become prince, and heir to my throne," she told me. I think I fainted after that, because I woke up in a room, in bed, and naked. It turned out that her servants took me up there, unclothed me, put me to bed.
    "Hey, Draco! could you step outside for a sec?" she said.
    I found some more clothes, put them on, and rushed to the window. When I did, I was met with a lot of cheering. I was facing all of the citizens and soldiers of the Underworld in strange clothes that turned out to be princely coronation robes. God, I felt embarrassed.
    After the cheering died down, my sister started to speak. "My dear citizens and soldiers! You all know how much effort that I put in to finding my brother, and I know how much time you all spent trying to find him. But I must tell you, all of it was not in vain, for before you he stands as your prince, and, as soon as he gets the proper training, your leader of the army.
    “Now, my friends,” she paused to pick up a crown, "I give you, your future king, Prince Draco!" with that, she placed the crown on my head, and the entire crowd started to chant "Draco! Draco! Draco!" until it was time for my speech.
    "Well, my fellow people, some of you may know me from the academy, and some of you may not. If you do, then you already know what I am. If you don't, I will show you," with that, I started to change into my half-dragon form. "This is the form that I wish to lead you into battle as, for I wish to use it to honor my mother and my family, and I am hoping that you will come to honor me no matter what I look like."
    After my speech was done, to my surprise, people still chanted my name, and, later, accepted me as one of their own. I was finally accepted somewhere, and I finally found a place that I could finally call my home.