• "Tella fancies Felentin!" exclaimed Seranade, teasingly. Fora stood next to her by the lockers in Kelen Sek High School. Tella stood five yards away, esedropping on the two girls, yapping about her behind her back. "Who would date a loser like Tella anyway. Only a person without a brain would ask her out." Fora stared at Seranade, grinning peevishly.

    "To tell the truth, Seranade, Tella is quite attractive. She may be as pale as the moon. However, she is the sweetest girl and would kindly and loyally do anything for anyone who asks, unless of course it was something quite outrageous, indeed," Fora told her, matter of factly. Seranade gazed at Tella darkly and glaring at Fora. She tossed her pale blond hair and told Fora, "You know what? I would appreciate it if you would not give me the good points about that that-troll!" Fora gasped and walked away from the angry and selfish girl, glaring at the sweet girl just five yards away. Tella felt as if she would break down in tears and turned away from Seranade, her mouth quivering.

    Tella could barely grip her pencil in math class, and thought Why am I letting this get to me? Seranade is just one of those girls who like to spread rumors and talk trash about other people around the school. I am just one of those girls that she is envious of. I heard what Fora said. Sure, I always keep up with my studies and I am in my senior year at forteen years old, but I feel she has no right to treat me the way she does. Tella gripped her pencil tighter and completed the exam by the end of class.

    Tella strolled down the street to 43, Tellasmic, Anermore Lestame'. She lived in the seventh nation of the Earth, in the year, 6,900, where everything seemed partly like the forteenth century and partly futuristic. Tempra Eveba waited contently for her outside of the mansion and Tella started picturing a beautiful castle, the inside mystical and magical, cloth banners of green and red Fannons; Fannons are part lion, part hawk, and part female human. They were extrodinary and myjestic creatures, healing and always doing kind things for people in need.

    This is where our story begins, where trouble takes its toll, in the Castle of Torel.