• The bright comet flashed across the star-littered sky. The moon, full with silvery liquid, lit up my face. My eyes glittered their emerald glitter, as I slowly approached the edge of the rock cliff. I slightly tilted my head back, and let a howl build up, slow and mournful, in my throat. With a last heave, I released the sound waves that echoed over the forest grounds, screamed to the mountains, and bounded back. I leaped to my feet, and almost literally flew across the empty air and landed perfectly, my legs slightly bent. Instantly, I crouched, springing into a forty-miles-per-hour sprint. Trees whistled by, my ears numb from the sound of the animals chittering as their slumber was disturbed. I gradually lowered myself into a position that kept me long and thin, a perfect angle for tearing across the landscape. Soon, it was as if my feet weren't touching the ground, and I was shooting like a javelin through the leafy green life. With every touch of a paw against the soft earth, a star twinkled its enjoyment. The passing trees whispered ancient tales of the wolf heritage I shared. Everything seemed to bow down at my approach; I had often taken the steel sword's sting for the other creatures.

    The meadow drew closer and closer, the sweet scent of wild grasses flaring in my black nose. In an instant, I felt the wild columbines covered in moon dew being crushed under my paws. The steady rhythm of the thump of my slender feet was in tune to the surge and swell of my heart, both pounding like a war drum. The moon, beautiful and round, gave off its most astounding light, illuminating my furry face. Grasses seemed to dance around my legs, welcoming me home. My eyes finally spotted the entrance to my homeland.

    Deep despair ravaged my heart, mind, and soul. Rage that consumed me made my limbs tremble under the sudden urge to kill, to avenge him. I forced my eyes to accept what I saw was real: my dear mate, Nicky, had been seen by a passing human. His eyes were blank and piercing, but still that playful sky blue. The scarlet blood that now pooled out beneath his neck stained everything it touched. His silky white fur....his pure white fur....He would have to rest with bloodstained white. My nose sniffed around him, and I found the human's scent...

    My urge to kill, to avenge, was fufilled. I live alone. My proud howl echoes around the land still. No one will forget the fury I can unleash on one who hurts me.