• One night there was a party at the local skating rink, teens from ages thirteen to sixteen were they only ones allowed to come, there was music, food, dancing and everything. But when everything started to die down a group of fourteen yearolds were playing a game of truth or dare.

    "C'mon Amy you have to do it it's a dare!" Eddie said everyone looked at Amy, she had chosen dare so Eddie had decided that she would have to vist the old barn that was at the end of the street in the woods. The thought scared Amy senseless.
    "Whatabout cops?" Amy asked and Eddie laughed.
    "No one will hear you!" He said smilied at her.

    "Fine, I'll do it! Good god Eddie you pick the lamest dares ever." Amy got up and headed out, a camra in hand so the others would actually belive she had been in. There was a rumor said that a murderer lived in the barn hiding from cops, but no one belived that. 'It was just a stupid rumor' Amy thought as she walked down the street.
    When she reached the barn it was dark out and the moon had rised, it sent a ghostly look over the woods. She walked into the barn, peeks of moonlight shone through cracks in the walls and roof. Creppy.
    She looked around, so far so good. She walked inside more to get what she could of a better look. Something russled but it was probably only a mouse. She was there for about half an hour when she started to hear the whispers, she was backing toward the door when by her ear she heard so clearly it sent shivers down her spine. She spun around to see Mr. Bellsinger, he looked at her. She sighed and smiled at him, Mr. Bellsinger was a police officer in town, a good and respected man. He was wearing a plaid shirt and work jeans with dirt all over them.
    "Mr. Bellsinger, I'm glad to see you." Amy said
    "You shouldn't be here Amy." Mr. Bellsinger reached in his back pocket for something, Amy gasped as he pulled out a knife. She opened her mouth to scream but no sound came. "Why try and scream? Besides no one will hear you."

    One week later at the cemetary Amy's casket was infront of her grave as the Priest said the farwells. Eddie and his friends looked down at Amy, she looked like she was just sleeping, the dress they put on her didn't go ethier. It was so strange to see this, it was almost wrong. Eddie felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see Mr. Bellsinger. Eddie looked at him. Mr. Bellsinger shooke his head.
    "What a tragety." He mumbled, His partner had found Amy.
    "Yeah, and you know what?'' Eddie said his vocied cracked a little
    "Hm?" Mr. Bellsinger looked down at Eddie waiting for an answer
    "No one ever heard her."