• Charlie McClency dragged the weight his feet coldn't carry any longer accros the campus.
    His eye lits were so heavy he had to feel his way to his dorm room.
    exclaim There goes the tree...
    question What the heck is this question
    His fingers had reached the yellow tape surrounding his dorm building.
    Charlie ducked under the tape, stumbled and tripped, of course, and fell to the ground, hard.
    Damn!Charlie thought.
    Charlie's whole buddy was so numb he didn't feel any discomford when he hit the ground. So there must've been a reason for his cursing. I think it was the last thing he saw before he fell into a deep slumber in the what-so-ever very comfortable ground.
    It was definitely the silvery, shiny police badge.

    The officer's voice was infesized by 13 empty beer bottles and a splitting headache.
    Charlie McClency awoke instandly.
    "Not so loud!sh*t, that hurts man!" Charlie rubbed his ear vigorously.
    The officer wrote down, something, and nodded.
    Charlie's eyes were still half way closed, and the strong pat on his back made him realise he was seating down.
    "Oh, crap!"
    Charlie saw for the first time, for the first time, where he was and he knew from that momment on, he was fu------TO BE CONTINUED...