• The house stood alone on the dead end of the street. It was a large, old, three story Victorian house. Most of the rooms remained in darkness exept for one. Shadows were moving through the darkness and only one dim light remained on. I crept to the window and peered in. The room was small. Only a lamp was in the room. I looked around and froze. There was a figure lying on the floor. Blood dripped from her cold neck.
    I screamed. The figure lying on the floor was Kianne. A sixteen year old girl I've known since kindergarden. Her brown hair was sprawled behined her. There, on her neck, were two fang marks. Her gray shirt had been stained with blood, and her jeans were ripped up to her knees. Her face had bloody scratches all over it. All of a sudden her head turned to face me. She whispered, "You better run, they are coming for you." then she wen't limp.
    I dashed to the gate in the front yard. I was almost there when the gate slammed shut.I came to a hault, and tried to find another way out. But to no avail. I was trapped in this nightmare. A branch snapped behined me. I whirled around to face the house. A tall figure, dressed all in black, stood in the doorway. His eyes were as black as coal. I tried to run, but was frozen where I stood. I opened my mouth to scream, but no noise came out. The figure slowly walked towards me, smiling a wicked smile. He was now only ten feet from where I stood. I could see him more clearly now. His face and skin were deathly pale. He had big black circles under his eyes. He opened his mouth and said, in an eerie tone, "Why are you here? You have no right to go looking into other peoples homes. You foolish girl! You now know too much for your own good. You have two choices. Become one of us, or die."
    I stared at him; my eyes filled with terror, and asked, "Become what?"
    A moment passed, then he anwserd, "A Vampire."
    I couldn't believe what I'd just heard. My eyes widend with horror, and I thought of anyway out of this hellish nightmare.
    "You'd better choose now, or I'll decide for you." he said, slowly coming closer.
    A minute passed, then another. I said nothing.
    "I guess you want to do this the hard way. Fine. Then I shall decide your fate for you." he said, moving towards me, and opened his mouth so I could clearly see his teeth.
    "Wait!" I cried.
    He stopped and waited for what I was about to say.
    "You wouldn't doom someone else to your fate. To wander the world hated, feared, and un-loved? Please sir! I beg of you, show some mercy and let me go!" I pleded with the Vampire.
    "What is your name child?" he asked.
    "Hope." I anwserd.
    "My name, child, is Demetri. Do you have an idea how long I've been like this? Like a monster?"
    "N-N-No sir." I stammered.
    "Two-hundred years child. Two-hundred years have I waited for someone to run me out of town or to stab me with a wooden stake and end this hellish nightmare. But no one has done so, no matter how much I begged." he said, looking awayfrom me.
    "Why are you telling me this?"
    "One gets lonely after two-hundred years."
    " Will you let me go?"
    "Why!?! Why bother telling me any of this if your going to kill me? Why!" I cried.
    "Because I can't have you running about shouting 'there's a vampire, there's a vampire' Now could I?"
    Tears filled up my eyes. This is it, I realized. The end off all things as I knew it. I would never see my family again. I wounder if they would miss me. I tried not to think of mother crying at the foot of my bed. My father, searching for my body that would never be found. Both of my little sisters crying in their sleep because of nightmares.
    Tears flowed down my face, I couldn't help it. I would miss my family as much as they would miss me.
    "Stop your foolish crying. It makes it harder to kill you." Demetri said, his breath on my throat.
    His mouth opened, and then all I felt was the pain.
    Darkness overwhelmed me.

    Two days later.

    "Has anyone found hope yet?" mother asked. She was sitting at the kitchen table, her head in her hands.
    "No, Kristen, not a single person. The only place we haven't cheaked is that old Victorian house. The one on the end of Fleet street." Father said with a scowl.
    "Paul, people say that place is cursed. Haunted by the devil himself! You can't go in there!" mother cried.
    "We have no choice. It's the only place left. The village men and I shall check there first thing tomorrow morning."
    Morning came and Father set out with men from the village to the old Victorian house. They walked up to it, and kicked the door down.
    Once inside the men searched everywhere, but found nothing. Father went to the basement door and opened it. A shriek echoed throughout the house as a single bat flew over father's head.
    "Stupid creature." Father muttered under his breath.
    He slowly decended down the stairs, flashlight in hand, he got to the bottom of the stairs and looked around. He froze. There, lying dead on the floor, was his daughter.
    "I found her!" he shouted to the other men.
    They came racing down, and screamed.
    "Who could've done this?" a man asked.
    Father went closer to the corpse, and was shocked at what he found on her neck. Two fang marks.
    "There are two fang marks on her neck!" he yelled.
    "It is the work of the devil!" one man yelled.
    "It's the curse!" another man cried.
    "It is no curse my brothers. This is the work of a vampire!" Father shouted.
    "A vampire?" everyone asked.
    "Yes! Everyone grab your wooden stakes! tis time we got rid of this nightmare!" Father yelled.
    Everyone grabbed wooden stakes from the store down the street, and met back at the old house.
    Father opened the door and frozw. Demetri stood in the middle of the empty room, his back facing the door. He was mumbling old folk tales to himself.
    "You there! Are you the demon who lives in this house?" Father asked.
    "Yessss. What do you want?" Demetri asked.
    "Did you kill my daughter?"
    "I have killed many people. Names are unimportant to me."
    "Fool! Her name was Hope! Did you kill her!"
    "Ah. Hope. Yesss I remember her. She's the foolish girl who was on my property without my permission. So I killed her."
    "You monster! I shall kill you for doing such an act!" Father shouted and steped closer, raising the wooden stake in his hand.
    Demetri whirled around and caught Father's wrist in his clod hand. He hissed and broke Father's wrist like it was nothing but a twig. Father hollered in pain. Two of the village men came an held Demetri down, while another one gave father his wooden stake.
    "This is for my daughter, and for the countless others you murderd!" Father said as he stabbed Demetri in the heart with the stake.
    Demetri howled in pain. A moment later, he was dead. A smile on his face.

    The End.