• No one actually knows why the millennium Earl actually smiles all the time so the exorcists go in to interview him about his, smile.

    Allen: Do I really have to go in and inter view HIM? (Leans forward in the chair next to Lenalee).
    Lenalee: (sitting in front of a computer that is rigged to the ark where Allen will be interviewing the earl) Yup and if you don’t we might not get the chance to get the information from him on why he smiles all the time.
    Allen: Just don’t make me do anything that makes him do any thing to endanger me. (Makes a face of horror.)
    Lenalee: Whatever Allen we just need the information on why he smiles all the time. (Looks over to him and sees that he has fainted in the chair.) Allen?

    The Ark

    Earl: Good evening Allen Walker.
    Allen: (rolls his eyes) good evening Earl (Looks towards the camera with hopeful eyes)
    Speaker: (Lenalee) no Allen you’re not getting out of there until you get the information we need about the Earl. Click…
    Earl: Yes Allen, I’ll give you all the information you need about me that you want.
    Allen: (Sighs and looks at the paper that Lenalee gave him) Question one, why do you smile all the time? (Looks back at the paper which he just read from with a surprised look on his face) wait a minuet! What kind of question is that?!
    Earl: (Deep in thought with a finger to his chin) Hmm, I guess I’m just happy to be in control over the Noah and most of the akuma.
    Allen: (eyes closed and fist clenched into a tight ball) Lenalee you better tell me what your up to or else I might just kill myself! (Looks back up at the Earl) What do you mean by that?! I thought you were just plain happy!
    Earl: Well I am happy too but what I’m wondering is why you don’t smile all the time! You should try it more often it’s fun! (Walks over to Allen and takes both cheeks in each hand and pulls them into a smiling position).
    Allen: (through clenched teeth and Earl’s pinch) LENALEE!!!! HELP ME!
    Speaker: (Lenalee) Just a little bit longer Allen! Click…
    Earl: come on just smile! You don’t want to end up like your little friend with the swords. Do you? (Still pinching Allen’s cheeks while smiling).
    Speaker: (Kanda) If you become like me. I’ll chop of your white hair and burn it until a white cloud starts hovering over your head. Click…
    Allen: great now I have Kanda to worry about. Can this day get any worse!
    Road: (Walking into room where the Earl is torturing Allen) hay Earl what’s up?
    Earl: Oh I’m just torturing Allen. Would you care to help?
    Allen: I spoke too soon.
    Road: yes I think you did Allen. Now if you excuse me I need to torture you with a fierce technique. (Starts wiggling fingers close to Allen’s stomach).
    Allen: Nooooooo!!!! It burns! (Tries to struggle from earl’s grip)
    Earl: oh yes now we have you and you can’t turn away.
    Lavi: (Bursts in and grabs Allen from earl and road’s grip). I have you now Allen you’ll be out of here in no time.
    Allen: (under Lavi’s arm and still smiling due to the amount time he was tortured.) Thank you Lavi!
    Road: (licking a lollipop) awww I wanted to torture him more!
    Earl: so did I Road, so did I.

    Black Order.

    Lenalee: Great job Allen you got as much information that any person could get with an interview with the Earl.
    Allen: (Breathless and still smiling) never make me do that again
    Lavi: Did you see the look on his face?! That was priceless!
    Allen: you’ll get yours soon Lavi. You just wait!
    Lenalee: what are you two talking about? (Turn’s to Allen) You’ll be doing another interview next week.
    Allen: uh oh! I have a bad feeling about this! (Drops his head and looks at the ground.)
    Lenalee: oh don’t worry you get to interview with someone you have been with all your life. General Cross. Allen?
    Allen: (fainted on the floor)
    Lavi: great now you’ve scared him for life.
    Lenalee: I thought it was a good idea at the moment. (Shrugs and turns back to the computer) oh well. But we still need to go on with it to gather information about him.

    Will Allen be able to handle being with cross for half an hour? Will Lavi ever get someone who he hates to interview? Tune in next time to find out.