• Tuesday 20th January
    Mum is in the kitchen typing out her novel 'The Center of the Earth is Cottage Cheese'. George is playing with Tanya's toys and Tanya is on the sofa, practically skinning the cat just by petting it.
    I have just realised.
    My family is weird.

    Wednesday 21st January
    8.00 am

    Ran up to Lucy on the way to school.
    "My family is strange."
    "We finally know where your strangeness comes from."
    Oh, that's nice. Look who's talking! I'm not the weasel-loving, tree-hugging hippie. She even died part of her hair pink. Honestly.
    "Why do we have PE?" I moaned, "And with Mr Oatker, too. He's such a perv! I'm glad I'm so flat chested."
    "But PE is good for you. And there's a rumor going around that he's gay and wants to teach boy's PE instead. I suppose he likes flat chests better."
    "Great." I sighed, as we reached the gates and met up with Mary, Connie and Jenna. Mary was banging her head like a head banging thing.
    "What the hell is she doing?" Lucy asked.
    Jenna went over to Mary and yanked something out of her ear.
    "YOWW! Hey, I was listening to RHCP! Give it back!"
    What the hell was RHCP? I was guessing it was a band or something.
    "She had those things in her ears all day. You'll go deaf!" Connie shouted down Mary's ear.
    I was laughing my head off. Then there was a gust of magical wind. I looked over and saw... him.
    A wave seemed to crash over me as I saw him, getting me all wet from head to toe...
    "There he is! Brandon!"
    I was disturbed by the whisperings of Connie. I stared at her, then looked back at Alex. Instead I saw Brandon's fat face in mine.
    "Hey, babe."
    I know I don't look much, but I go to martial arts every Friday after school, because Alex goes, mostly, and I just land a massive punch on his pudgy face, and he goes flying across the playground. Of course, I may be exaggerating a bit.
    "He hurt my hand..." I whimpered, and I looked over at Alex. He was laughing and smiling!!! My heart skipped a bit and I nearly fainted at his perfectness.
    [[I will write more later! 3nodding ]]