• The Great White Dog

    tab Opening its eyes, so black and soulless they pierced through to the depths of my being, drawing out the fears and doubts I had thought so long ago to have hidden from the world. The darkness surrounded the platform and there was nothing but me and that dog. A long siren rang in my ears...
    tab Awakening to find myself in a pure white room with no coloration to speak of, I reached for something to grab ahold of. Nothing was there, not even that strange dog. I gazed around the room. There was a door, I ran for it. Upon opening the door...
    tab I was back on the platform in front of all those people. No dog this time, just me and a lonely wish. A song was playing, I didn't know which. I took my leave and joined my friends at the table. The loudest thought in my head was screaming about that dog, I wondered if I were going insane. Shrill voices trying to sing to the cheers of those around me, I ordered once more and then left for the night, offering an expendable excuse. Cold air reached me as I climbed to the top of a nearby building, feeling the growing intensity of being watched.
    tab As I reached the top, a voice called out from the ledge. A tall, black shadow with a melodious voice. He told me to stay away from the edge, it was slippery at night. But even as he said this, he only moved to look back over the street. I walked to him, minding his word to be wary of the edge. Growing closer, I saw that he was indeed dressed in all black, pale complected, his dark hair swept by the wind. His eyes, a-glow with some pale light, were downcast. There was no sound, not even of the cars below, that reached my ears.
    tab The dog's vacantly whole eyes swam in my mind and I saw it once again standing alongside the man. He didn't seem to notice the white beast at all...Until it pounced upon his back, throwing him over the edge. I approached the ledge, heart racing, and watched as he fell four stories below. Returning my gaze to where he once stood, that great white dog was gone...