• No one has ever given much thought to how they would die, and I’m pretty sure no one ever has.
    And even if they had a reason to, they wouldn’t have imagined it like this.
    I stared down at the Castle of Aleanrretyn from my perch, waiting for my target to dispatch himself from the crowd.
    My target was Aran, King of Aleanrretyn, and had been for some time as I gathered more and more information on him.
    And here he was, before my eyes, completely oblivious to the fact that his rein was about to draw to a close.
    His guards were placed on either side of the Castle gate, but they didn’t worry me because, from what I had learnt about King Aran, I knew he traveled around the city without them.
    From past experience, a King or Queen would keep their guards with them, fearing any kind of death that would bring their rein to a close. But, leaving his guards behind, people saw King Aran as a brave man.
    I saw him as a foolish human being.
    Once King Aran started to move off, I jumped onto a nearby roof top and followed quietly, oblivious to him and the townspeople that bustled through the streets below me.
    From what I knew of King Aran, he would find a secluded place to dwell until sundown, which would give me plenty of time to execute his assassination.