• Bleeding Mascara
    Shall I begin then…
    It all started with a mirror. Poor Hika Kuro couldn’t keep her hand steady and *slip* down goes the mascara. All over her mother’s new rug too. Darn. Now, if it were to start like THAT, it wouldn’t be a good story, would it? But however, this does have a mirror in it, and a girl. But the mascara is a little different. This time…it’s red.
    *Brrrrrrrrring!!!* “Ahh s**t!” I mumbled to myself. “,the bell just had to ring now didn’t it! One more question and I would’ve aced that exam! Stoopid exam week! I hate it!”I handed in my unfinished test and walked out of the room. “OOF! Jeez Hika can’t you watch where your going sometimes?” it was Zero, my best friend. “Ah, crap. Oh my god I’m so sorry Zero!””Hey hey, it’s okay. I’m just kidding with you! So how did it go?”Zero asked. “Huh? How’d what go?”I asked confused.
    “The exam, baka yaro!”
    “Hey! I ain’t no dumb a**, you dumb a**! And it sucked!”
    “What? You couldn’t answer anything?”
    “No, I answered all of it, except one question!”
    “Then what seems to be the problem, my dear?”
    “If I answered that ONE question, that damn One question, I could’ve aced it!”I practically shouted.
    “Oh, I see! Welp better lucky next time!”he sang. “ you just don’t get it do you? Our band it the one getting the frying if I don’t get good exam marks, baka.”I explained. “Oh, well then, TOO EDO!”Zero yelled and striked a super hero pose. And off we went.

    “So, I here Ms. Sandragon’s class is getting a new student after exams are done. Must be fun for you, huh?” I joked around with Zero. He hated the fact about the new kid but if there was anything Zero loved doing it was putting a smile on my face. And he knew just how to do it. An extra chocolaty hot chocolate with tons of whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles from Timothy’s. YUM! “Gah don’t remind me! ‘After exams are done’ that’s in 2 days. You hear me? TWO days!” he sounded pissed about the situation. “There there, don’t let something stupid bring you down!” I said, patting his back. “Tell you what. Why don’t I come stay at your place for, like, 3 days? We can do each other’s hair and paint each other’s nails and-“ “Umm, Hika. I think we both know that neither one of us would do that.” Zero laughed. “But yeah, sure come over if ya like!”” Awesome!” I yelled and left right any to pack. “See you at your house in 20!” “Hika?” he asked confused, “Okay? I guess.”


    I dropped my bags down on Zero, who was laying on his bed reading my 4th volume of Gakuen Alice, which he borrowed 2 days ago! “You still havn’t finished that yet? God, you’re slow.” I laughed at him. “Hey! One, that’s not where your bag goes!. Come on we’ve done the drill several times when we were younger! And two, I’ve only had time today”he said, throwing his bag at me.
    “Yah Yah whatever floats your boat.”
    “Oh I have a question for you, Hika! Why do you have a Japanese name and your not even Japanese?”
    “You know what. My mom never told me that!”
    “oh Okay then! Any way what do you want to do?”
    “Oh well I gotta run for like 15 minutes!”
    “What?! You come to MY house and get to sleep in MY bed while I have to sleep on the floor and your ditching me? Nu! Not happening!”
    “15 minutes okay? Plus you can finish the book!”
    “Fine! But 15 minutes!”


    To the market! That;s where I’m headed! Only something strange happened this time. I turned my ipod on and switch the song to Hot Blood Workout by Aural Vampire! Mouthing the words I felt like someone was watching me! I turned aroung and saw someone there. A hooded man with bleached hair and dark red eyes! I whipped right around and started walking faster to Shoppers Drugmart. Quickening my pace with every step I saw shadow creep over me when I reached for the door handle of the drug store.
    “A-AHH-“ I was cut off by a cloth slithering it’s way over my mouth. A hard pinch around my neck by a cold large hand and I was out. But not out like I light I could still feel. But after what happened I’m not sure I wanted to. Two cols sharp things pierced into my neck. ‘What v-vampires? I believe they exist but- but wait these fangs are two short to be a vampires. I should now Zero is one. What is this?!’ Too many questions rushing through my mind! I passed out just seconds later.

    ~~end of chapter one~~….MUAHAHAHA!!!!

    The Univited Thirteenth^-^