It was on the first day of work that I realized I probably signed up for the wrong job. You see I signed up for active duty in the stealth unit, little did I realize that this stealth unit was from a different mind frame altogether...Just in case you didn't know my name is Chiara Erimentha Revilaron and I am the one who created and mastered the surge strike. A deadly form of martial arts that use any "special" powers you have to paralyze your opponent till you either beat them to a pulp or kill them depending on the fight. I originally hail from a unique little town called Surge in a country called Luterie and the rest of my unit thought I was nuts trying to create a new type of fighting .Little did they realize that I had already created it by that point and that I was just trying to hone it into a art form that would be the best form of fighting to ever have been created. I was and still am the only female to make it into the Midnight Dragon unit, the highest elite unit that only the finest of stealth can join. I was a part of that unit for a long time till they assigned us a mission I didn’t agree with. They told us to annihilate an entire village of innocent people and I wasn't about to let innocents die on my watch. So I ended up taking out my entire unit in five minutes to protect the village needless to say that was my way of telling them I was resigning as head of the unit. In case you’re wondering most of my unit did die and it was because of me. My strike was called the Storm strike and it encompassed all the essential parts of a storm. It is the strongest strike in the new strike unit I created out of some rebels I found. We began with four and now have only eight but that’s fine with me. We have Aquila, Oihane, Braeden and of course me, you'll find out more about the other four later. I own the rather unusual S-Class Shattered Dream which can usually be found flying above the clouds with us in our X-Class fighter jets doing tricks and destroying military planes. Our planes are named by the A.i. system we installed (it was Aquila's idea) Aquila has Strike Point, Oihane has Sharp Shot, Braeden has Trigger and I have Fire Fox. We are always trying to make someone nervous so having fun and laughing is the best thing for us to release the pressure. We are usually very serious but right now it’s time to release and have fun but wait that’s who's jet is that? I've never seen that one before and that’s the military symbol but why is it landing on the Shattered Dream? (Landed) Chiara: Hey who are you and what are you doing on my ship? (Jet opens the wind shield)Unknown voice1&2: We needed help and noticed your ship (boy and girl no older than twelve steps out).Chiara: What’s wrong and how did you get a military jet? Unknown1: The military destroyed our families and we took it off the base. Unknown2: They bombed our houses and it killed everyone but us. Chiara: what are your names? You can stay with us here on Shattered dreams. Unknown1: My name is Junius Corbett Deckard. Unknown2: My name is Mabyn Riona Curtail, we are from Evilador and the military just recently started raids for no apparent reason. It killed the rest of our families and pretty much the all of the town. Chiara: Well since you’re going to be staying I’ll introduce you to the rest of the crew. Meet Aquila Sanchez, Oihane Ramirez, Braeden Darrington and I’m Chiara Revilaron. Junius: This is everyone? You guys can operate all this by yourselves? Aquila: I’m a technician and I control all the computer systems. Oihane: I am the Weapons tech and I also happen to cook for everyone. tech boy over there is a genius by the way just to warn you.Braeden:Speaking of warnings her food is really spicy, I'm the ships mechanic and I make sure every plane and system is in working order.Chiara:I'm of course the ship’s captain and I make absolutely sure that everything is up to date. It’s plenty of work but I like to make sure that the military doesn't catch us. By the way we'll repaint that plane and it will be yours to use on the air raids we do. Aquila: Hey I'm going to check over the plane with Braeden. We might find something that would be of use.Chiara:fine.why don't you two come and get something to eat with me and Oihane. Oihane: Yeah I just made Korean short ribs and I have plenty of Kimchee.Mabyn: That sounds wonderful. It’s been awhile since we got a chance to eat something. Chiara: Why don't you go on ahead? I'll be with you guys in a minute. Oihane: okay see you in a few. (Chiara walks back up to the deck)Chiara: Have you found the tracer yet? Braeden: Not yet but soon.Aquila: These kids have got to be pretty talented to steal an experimental X-Class Death Wind fighter. It looks like it’s still in pristine condition too.Braeden: Got it, now who wants to play Tracer Golf? Aquila: My turn this time. (He swings and the tracer goes flying)Chiara: That one went far, I want you to repaint the Wind Reaper and make it look just right for Junius and Mabyn.Braeden: On it captain.Oh and see you later.Aquila: Roger captain and see you at the next test run. (Chiara walks to the galley)Oihane: Hey Chiara, they fell asleep right after they ate something. The way they described the raid was horrible, it was something someone their age shouldn't have been through.Chiara: I know, I heard about that raid. It was beyond sickening and that was what made me decide to leave. Oihane: are you going to tell the children about your past? Chiara: Yeah as soon as they wake up. But that means you guys have to tell your stories too. (Mabyn starts waking up and elbows Junius awake)Chiara: Looks like you guys woke up just in time. Oihane could you go get Aquila and Braeden? I want them here for this too.Oihane: Roger that, see you in a few. (All three race back)Chiara: just in time I was about to start without you.Mabyn, Junius you two are going to have to listen up with this story.
My Beginning.... It all started in a land called Polarian eighteen long years ago. I was born just one week before the first military air raid and the women were ordered to leave. My mother was Queen and had to stay behind with my father because the eldest always rules man or woman. My mother happened to be the oldest in the royal family and my father was from Luterie so that was where my mother sent my caretaker and me. I never saw them again and I made the ultimate mistake of thinking I could change the military from the inside. So I joined the Midnight Dragon unit and stayed in for awhile but then they decided to send us on a mission I couldn't complete. They sent my unit to Surge the village I grew up in and told us to annihilate anything in our paths. I couldn't do it and told them I wouldn't so they kept marching except for a few. As we stood to stop the other soldiers from our unit, they opened fire on us and I watched as every single comrade that I knew and had come to care about fall to the earth as empty as the hearts that shot them. That was when I decided to use the surge strike that I had created long before I ever joined and I destroyed every single one of them in five minutes of absolute chaos. After that I went back to Polarian and fixed up Shattered Dream but unfortunately had no crew. So I went flying around the world and found this ragtag crew but hey they’re the best in their chosen fields. So that's my story but they’re going to tell you theirs too.Oihane: I’ll go next. I was born and raised in Telonia on a small farm right outside of the city and not much happened there until the military tried to take me from the farm. It was then that Chiara showed up and started to fight, I took the chance and got one of my weapons that I created. We managed to stop the attack and I joined up Aquila: my turn. I grew up in a rather poor country called Devolin and as soon as I could I ran away to the military. It was the worst possible choice because I soon found out about the raids and I deserted the military. I just happened to know Chiara and she found out about my deserting so she recruited me for the Shattered Dream.Braeden: Alright this is how she found me. I was born in a country near Polarian named Solaris and was actually visiting my family when she decided to travel through in her X-Class fighter when she started having engine trouble. She landed right outside my house in the field next door and I ran to the field to see what was going on. It was a little odd when a girl stepped out but she asked if I knew a mechanic so I told her that I was the only mechanic within a hundred miles. So after I fixed her plane in under ten minutes, she recruited me and I've been here ever since.Mabyn: Wait you were born in Solaris? I was too.Braeden: cool then you should know that were just about to Polarian now.Chiara: Hey Mabyn come with me, I want to show you something. Mabyn: okay. (They walk to the deck and sit at the edge)Chiara: This is the Aurora but that’s not why I brought you out here. I wanted to ask if it was you or Junius flying today.Mabyn:I flew but Junius said that if this was a military ship he wanted to make sure that I wasn't the one in the flight seat because they might take it easier on him.Chiara:I knew I saw a girl flying the Wind Reaper. You are going to be the pilot from now on. Mabyn: But what about Junius? Chiara: I have another fighter for him called Lightning Strike down at the base.Mabyn: You have a base? Where is it? Chiara: We are about to land there. So let’s get inside, it’s getting cold so we'll find something warm for the both of you to wear. (They walk back inside)Chiara: Oihane could you help me figure out something warm for Mabyn to wear? Oihane: Sure let's see what we have. (They walk to Chiara's room)Chiara: my old trunks will have some old clothes from my days as a kid that should fit you perfectly.Ah there it is how you do like this dress it’s traditionally from this region. (Holds up a emerald and gold bell sleeved dress)Mabyn: It’s beautiful, I love it!!!Chiara: Then it’s yours. It’ll be warmer than what you’re wearing now and it will be just fancy enough for the dinner tonight.Mabyn: dinner? I thought that we were the only ones here.Chiara: No there are still other survivors and tonight some of the families from Solaris are coming to Polarian.Mabyn: But why? Chiara: It’s time for the Aurora festival and the Polari people are known for the celebrations. What do you think? (Holds up a blue and silver gown with white under layering and one shoulder)Mabyn: It’s amazing and it looks like a snowflake. Oihane: that's the perfect description for it. What do you think of mine? (Holds up a red and copper gown with cap sleeves)Chiara: That’s perfect for your skin tone.Mabyn: It looks so detailed. Chiara : ( laughs) that’s because it is. These are traditional dresses from Polarian and Solaris; they are always very detailed and high style. (They put the dresses on)Oihane: They are definitely beautiful and they are certainly warm. (They land rather roughly)Chiara: Next time they should knock and warn us when they are about to land. Mabyn: Wow that hurt. I think that a book just landed on my head.Oihane: At least you didn't get hit by a pair of knee-high boots.Chiara: Oops sorry. I really need to clean this place up.Braeden: We’re here! (Slightly cheery voice)Aquila: I think my shoulder just went out of place.Junius: Your sitting on me (muffled and slightly garbled).Aquila sad getting up) Sorry I should have never let Braeden fly this thing when he is excited like that.Chiara: Braeden I know your happy to be able to see your parents soon but could you work on the landing next time. That one absolutely sucked but at least we are still alive and everything is one piece. Oihane: (under her breath)Yep she has completely fallen head over heels.Mabyn: Umm....Do you guys know them?(small gathering of people around the ship)Chiara:Oh that’s just Braeden's brothers and a few cousins thrown in there, No big deal. Aquila & Oihane: Easy for you to say..... (Chiara runs up to the deck and jumps off the ship)(Yep that's right in a dress but don't worry it was entirely modest)Chiara: Long time, no see you guys. You have free reign to pick on your brother about the landing but don't pick on the new kids okay. Brothers: Okay Captain. Chiara: You guys know better than to stand on formality with me.Brothers: But we don't want to get Braeden angry with us. If you don't remember last time we can remind you.Chiara: There is no need for that and you know it too. Remember I have Cian Lysander coming to protect the celebration.Brothers: You have him coming? But why there are plenty of strong and noble people here to protect this region.Chiara: He is not coming to protect them; he is coming to protect me and the others.Brothers: Why? Chiara: Because of what the military did, I needed someone I could trust to protect the new kids from us if something should go wrong. (The others came off the ship and everyone went in)Mabyn: Chiara what did the military do so you had to have someone to protect you? Chiara: We were experimented on when we were captured one day. Our bodies are pushed beyond the limits of a natural human, genetically enhanced to produce a higher range of integrated powers. We don't know what could happen even though it’s been nearly two years but with you two on board we don't want to take chances. So I have an old friend coming to make sure that if anything happens we are stopped.Mabyn: What do you mean stopped? (The emotions are at a high rate right now) Chiara: It means that if we get out of control range we are to die.Mabyn: That’s horrible Cian: I think so too but she is entirely serious about protecting you two. (Everyone but Chiara gets a little jumpy)Chiara: You always did try to scare everyone didn't you? I see you grew your hair out and it went pure white except that streak of red.Cian: At least my hair isn't leaf green with a twist of orange in it though it’s cute on you.Chiara: Kiss up all you want it’s not going to make a difference.Cian: Thought I’d try after what happened the last time we saw each other. (Chiara starts blushing) Chiara: I’m never going to live that down am I Cian? I wish you didn't bring that up because now everyone is going to start asking.Cian: Its okay I’ll answer them in complete detail. Chiara : ( nerve twitching) don’t even think about it you scruffy, intolerable, downright nasty idiot.Mabyn: Wow what did he do to get you that mad?
Cian: You see kid it’s not what I did, it’s what she did that I keep bringing back up to annoy her. Mabyn: What did she do? (Chiara is currently thinking she walked right into that one)Cian: Well after she signed up for the military, she decided to tell everyone that she knew how she really felt about them. I was the last one she found and I just happened to be the one she wanted to talk to the most. She told me that she wanted to give me one last chance to tell her the truth about how I really felt about her. I decided to play a prank and say that I hated her but I looked into her eyes and she was being completely serious. I told her the truth and said that I wanted so badly to kiss her right then. Well let’s just say she didn't even flinch though I still say that I saw her eyes waiver. Then all of the sudden she said out of the blue why haven't you and I stood there speechless as she walked away. She was at the border when I caught up to her and I grabbed her by the waist and kissed her right then and there. She kicked me hard in the shin because apparently right next to us was her superior who was really uncomfortable with two teenagers kissing right next to him. As she walked away her superior said something about whats with the goofy kid with pink hair but that was when she blew up at her superior and I truly found out how she felt about me.Chiara: You forgot to tell her that I told my superior to quit digging his own grave before he was eating dirt.Yeah that went over really well but I ended up being over my superior pretty quickly though.Mabyn: You really have quite the temper don't you? I don't think that’s anything to be blushing about, I mean if anyone should be embarrassed it should be him.Cian:I guess that’s true isn't it? Chiara: It all depends on if it’s the same between us.Cian: It’s not the time to discuss this. (Chiara starts walking out)Chaira: You have always said that but I’m tired of waiting on "the time”. If you ever intend on actually discussing this, you might want to try soon.
Chiara's wishes and dreams..... My wishes and dreams that have never come true, the ones that I see fading quicker than the sun in winter. As I started walking into this snow storm I thought about all the memories I've had with Cian. We were both refugees from lands that the military took over and nearly destroyed. I knew he never liked the fact that I joined the military but he knew that I left. I still wonder why all of the sudden I get a reception that rivals the ice plains here in Polarian but what is done can never be undone no matter what. I knew that Teckoru people were secretive but this is just crazy I mean my goodness I have ancestors from there but I don't hide behind that. I remember the day my caretaker told me and Cian about Illias and Lycoris the look on his face made me so happy because it was the one time he smiled at something. I remember him asking if I inherited their powers and I told him I did which is true because I actually do have their power. He told me that one day when we would have kids he would teach them all the pulse strikes and that I could teach them surge strikes. I wish that were true but all I have left now is a forgotten memory (jumps up onto the Shattered Dreams) (kind of aptly named isn't it?)You won't hurt me will you Fire Fox.Cian:I don't know about that one, I mean if someone turns that on you'd be gone in a second.Chiara:What do you want? Don’t you think you've done enough damage to my emotions.Cian: That was why your ancestors kept control of their emotions.Chiara: What the heck do you mean? I've been thrown to the wolfs one too many times by you.Cian: They didn't show anyone their emotions till the very last minute but personally I think that you should show your emotions otherwise you appear heartless.Chiara: You mean like you? I told you to find me if you wanted to talk about what’s going on with us, not about what you think is wrong with me.Cian: I wanted to know if you were finally showing emotions but what really showed me is the fact that you took that Mabyn girl under your training program.Chiara: How did you know that? I haven't told anyone about that besides Mabyn herself.Cian: She told me not only about that but also about the fact you took her and Junius in without hesitation. You didn't even know if they were spies but you took them in anyway.Chiara: They were refugees like us Cian,I couldn't let them have what happened to us.....Cian: I know and I'm sorry but I needed to know if I could still trust you. Chiara: Was what I did really that bad for to think you couldn't trust me? Cian: You don't know what it put me through! I chose to love a girl who didn't care about where she came from. (Chiara slaps him hard)Chiara: I have done everything for Polarian and Luterie. More than you will ever know and I have been atoning for what I’ve done ever since.Cian: How can you say that when there is no proof of you ever caring for this lands.Chiara: You want proof!!! Look at where you’re standing, realize that I have scars that you don't see but the thing I want you to do the most is to think about the fact that you abandoned me in my need.Cian: What are you talking about? Chiara: I had just left the military and I called you when I needed someone to help when we were captured but you never came and I nearly died because of it.Cian: I couldn't come because I was locked up in Telonia and they weren't about to let me out to save someone else.Chiara: I’ve heard that excuse before and it still doesn't ring true. I know that you weren't in Telonia because I was being held there in the base with the rest of the "criminals".Cian:I was told that was where I was, please believe me on this one.Chiara:How can I believe someone who doesn't trust me? I used to know how you felt, now all I know is that you act like you hate me.Cian: I don't hate you!!! I still love you but I feel like something has changed about you. Chiara : ( puzzled look) you still love me but what do you mean I’ve changed? I may have become a little rougher but not that rough.Cian: Not like that type of change, It’s more like you don't smile as much as you used to and I haven't seen you cry this much since the day the first air raid happened.Chiara: So much has happened that you don't know about that would crush me if I let it out.Cian: What do you mean? Chiara:I just recently got word of another raid that left only a few survivors,no adults only children.Cian: Don't tell me you think that the reason thier leaving the children is for experiments.Chiara: I need to get to the children as soon as possible but I can't leave the base during the celebration because of the crew.Cian: I'll take care of the crew, you go get those children before the military.Chiara: Alright but don't expect me back anytime soon....
Four new additions to the family.... Chiara: I left two days ago to come here to Resivar and I still haven't found the survivors but I won't give up because this risks more than just the rebels.Wait there was movement down there.(lands)Hello is anyone there? Unknown voice1: Who are you and why are you here? Chiara:I'm a rebel from Polarian who came to save the survivors.Unknown voice2,3&4: We are the only ones left.Your not going to take us to the military are you? Chiara: Never would I do that to someone.(three little children come out)Unknown voice1: My name is Alejandro and these three are Enya, Rue and Vittorio.Chiara: Nice to meet you,how would you like to get out of here before the military shows up.Alejandro,Vittorio,Enya&Rue: Let's go.(everyone gets into Fire Fox)Chiara: This is going to be bumpy.We are going to be moving at MACH 4 so buckle up and get ready.Mini Crew: Okay(Five hours later)Chiara: We have arrived.(looks back and they are asleep)Cian: So you found them? That was rather fast.Chiara: they were the only ones left the military must have found the others because my intell said there was eight children.(hands Rue to Cian)Cian: So we now have two girls and two boys.We always did joke that we were going to have a giant family.Chiara: Now don't you go forgetting Mabyn and Junius.(hands Enya to Mabyn who just showed up)Mabyn: They are so cute!!! What are thier names? Chiara: Cian is holding Rue and your holding Enya which means I get Alejandro and Oihane gets Vittorio.By my estimation Alejandro is the oldest and he can't be older than seven.I need to plan a new mission for as soon as possible but you can't tell the children Cian.Cian: If I know what your thinking right now I wouldn't even dare to tell them.Chiara: (Alejandro whimpers)Its okay my little one you are going to be fine.If you thought that this was a big family Cian wait until we get the others home.Cian: I know this is going to sound cruel but don't get your hopes up Chiara.By the time we get thier they might be gone beyond our reach.Chiara sad tears are slowly falling)I know.As it is these little ones might not survive but I can't give up on them yet.(they walk away from the little ones room)Cian: What do you mean these four might not survive? Chiara: The only one that wasn't sick among them was the smallest Vittorio.I'm afraid the others are getting worse and they might not have more than a couple hours at most.Cian: Are you sure that bringing them aboard was the best idea? This could cause more than just a slight tidal wave among our already small crew.Chiara: (openly weeping now)(anyone got a tissue?)What was I supposed to do? leave them to die in a barren wasteland or in a place they could go without fear that Vittorio would die in military hands.Cian: I'm sorry (single tear falls) this hurts more than anything.To watch the children we found die so soon after we found them is the most devastating thing that has happened yet.Chiara: Please help me save who ever I can find at the base.Oihane: (tears falling)Rue doesn't have long left and wants to see you.(Chiara runs to thier room)Chiara:Rue i'm here please don't let go.Rue: Please take care of Vittorio.Its okay mommy i'll be in your heart forever so don't worry about me.(Rue passes on and Chiara weeps on the side of her bed)Alejandro:Mommy forgive me I want to stay but I can't.Save the others and keep Vittorio safe...(Alejandro closes his eyes before Chiara could reach him and is gone from this world)Enya:Mommy help me I don't want to die, not now.Chiara:Enya please don't stop fighting.Enya:I love you and (Enya stops breathing mid-sentence and Chiara tries to revive her but to no avail)Chiara:My children oh my children why did you have to die?(she walks out of the room and just collapses into a ball on the floor)Cian: (picks her up)I'm sorry my love.You didn't need to have another sorrow upon your heart and if I could I would take all this upon myself.Chiara: I wish that I could have taken thier place.They had nothing to atone for like what is upon my shoulders.(They landed that night and buried the children with a personalized marker fo each.A sword for Alejandro,a pair of ballet slippers for Rue and a carved lotus blossom for Enya) Chiara: In the next few days it was a time for mourning and Vittorio became like a shadow to Cian because he used to follow Alejandro.I led the charge to raid the military base to find the other children but we only found a little ray of hope in that.We ended up burying three more children but managed to save a little girl named Iorwen.She has decided that she is going to train with me and Mabyn so she follows the both of us around.I don't mind the intrusion because it makes me feel like i'm needed.Though being woken up in the middle of the night by a little kid climbing into your bed because she gets scared is something that will take getting used to.Cian has told me that instead of trying to sleep in the room we gave him Vittorio instead tries to sleep in the room where the others died.Last night I went to the room where they died and found Vittorio there but I didn't wake him up.I just moved him to Cian's room onto a matress with the sheets set up like a tent and boy did Cian look confused when he came out this morning.Cian:Why did you decide to put him in my room anyway? Chiara: He follows you around and acts like your his father so I thought he would feel safer in your room.Cian: Okay I guess that is a perfectly respectable answer.Chiara:So was he still in your room this morning? Cian: Yeah but I think he was a little confused himself.Vittorio: can I live with you from now on?
Cian: Of course if you want to you can.Aquila: I think you two need to hear this.(plays a recorded message from the United Rebellion)Chiara: No way that can't be.Its...Cian: Tajimoru Ling I thought he died when we were children.Chiara: I knew one day he would come back.Aquila:I received this message from the United Rebellion.Chiara: You don't think that they survived do you? Cian: It is a possibility but how many and who could have survived that much? Chiara: My parents probably tried to take the brunt of the attacks.I think that at least two or three could have survived.Cian:Is it just one solitary voice on the recording or is there anymore? Aquila:I'll get to work on seperating the sounds so I can tell but it will take some time.Chiara:Thats fine.I have to start training so i'll come back later.Aquila:Well i'll make sure to notify you when any breakthroughs emerge.Cian:thats fine just don't try to yell over the P.A system again.Chiara:Yeah I would have to hurt you for that.Aquila:I'm never going to live that down am I? Cian&Chiara:No way you are ever going to live it down. Oihane:Umm....Did I come at a bad time? Aquila;Not at all they were just leaving.(Chiara and Cian walk away)Chiara:Okay now its time to start the training process.Cian:I hope they are ready for this.Chiara:What ever do you mean? Cian:If I remember your surge training right you put us through a week of torturing the living daylights out of ourselves.Chiara:No that was just you and that was to test out your ability to survive training.Cian:You mean to tell me that was why you ran off for two weeks.Chiara:Yeah I was training the entire time because I didn't want to tell you that you weren't ready for it.Cian:Am I ready for it now? Chiara:Yeah but only if you want to.Hey girls are you completely ready to train? Mabyn&Iorwin:Yes Captain. Chiara:Assume the first stance of fighting.(they get into position and begin training till evening)(sunset)Cian:Chiara when do we get a break? Chiara:Training is complete for today you can go rest now but prepare for tomorrow.Cian I would like to talk to you.Cian:So what do you need to talk to me about? Chiara:Your not done for today,I just wanted the girls to not have any excuse to complain that they didn't get enough training.Cian:What?!?! I thought that Training wasn't supposed to exceed certain limits.Chiara:We need to push our limits of pain beyond the normal point and strength comes from endurance so get ready because now the real work begins.Cian:So in basic we are training to become super soldiers except for own skills not militay gain.Chiara:I guess you could look at it like that except we would be beyond super soldier powers (takes off the long jacket she was wearing to reveal military camo pants and a tank top)Cian:I'm guessing I should be comfortably clothed for this shouldn't I? Chiara:Only if you want me to hit as hard as possible to get you on par for pain management and blocking movements. Cian:Than let me get comfortable because I want to get this over as soon as possible.(takes of the jacket he was wearing and apparently was wearing under armor)Chiara:You are going to wish that you were wearing armor in the morning just to warn you because i'm not going to hold back.Cian:Lets get this going before we freeze out here.Chiara:First off your a wimp if this is cold,Second off we are going to fight as long as it takes for you to get it right..... Later that night at one in the morning..... Cian:Aren't you tired of fighting yet? Chiara:Not at all but don't worry this next move will be your last.Cian:What do you mean its going to be my last move? (as he is running his mouth off she kicks him in the stomach) Chiara: I told you but you wouldn't listen.Sit still and the pain will dissipate.Cian:Got any bandages? You hit me right on my forearm in that one strike and its been bleeding for awhile.Chiara:Here let me get the bandage onto your arm and then go to bed.(she puts the bandage on and walks away)Cian:Why do I get the feeling that this will end up being the end of the line for me? Junius:She kept you training for awhile didn't she? Cian:You are supposed to be asleep kid. Junius: Don't you realize she isn't even teaching the girls surge unless she knows without a shadow of doubt or fear that they can survive the training.Cian:Wait that was normal training for them.Junius: No that wasn't normal training that was only the fundamentals.Cian:So what is she teaching me then? Junius: That is something you have to figure out on your own. Cian:For a twelve year old you certainly have everything figured out. Junius:You can no longer wait for answers in this choatic realm.You'll die if you wait.(everyone has fallen asleep or so it appears considering Chiara is sitting on top of the tower)Chiara:Is this all thats left in this realm worth fighting for? Surely there is more than just survival to fight for.Why doesn't he realize that simple fact and release it in full power? I mean I had to relocate my shoulder twice during that fight when he wasn't looking.Cian release the full power of the Shadow Dragon and take your rightful place as king of Teckoru(Mithralia, name change) and the Luminix people.If you don't release today I'm going to unseal it so you have to confront who you are.I may be the sixth generation of the Nova Phoenix but I am only have a certain amount of power when your sealed away.My power plays off of the emotions you show but its supposed to play off the shadows.(Aquila gets woken up by beeping at six in the morning)Aquila: (screaming)Captain you should take a look at this.Chiara:What is it Aquila?(the coat is back but with a halter and black pants this time) Aquila:Captain there is three different voices on this recording.Chiara: Can you tell me who they are or are you going to make guess? Aquila:The first one was identified as your old friend Tajimoru,the second was identified as Alaric Mikavich,the third is identified as Corazon Tivoras.Chiara:The three strongest warriors my parents had in their army.But how did they survive? I'm still having problems trying to figure that out.Aquila:So what do you need me to do? Chiara:Get Fire Fox ready after training i'm going to find the United Rebellion.Cian: Don't tell me its training time already.Chiara:Its going to be just me and you in training today.Cian sad uncertain)Ok-kay.Chiara:I'm going to go at you with my all today and if you don't attack at the same speed your in for a surprise.(they attack each other and he is still holding back)Chiara:Its time I can't wait any longer or i'll lose my location on the Rebellion."Stars in the sky the only light shining, one heart unbound betrayed no longer,crashing fate and forgotten thunder,RELEASE SHADOW DRAGON".as I was saying this all the symbols on him were slowing lighting up like flames in the breeze and he was staring at me like I had comitted a great disjustice in his eyes.As he passed out from the amount of power flowing through him I decided to just jump right into the heart of the Teckoran territory.(I did literally jump)It broke my heart to leave him like that but I had to and anyway I know that he'll follow anyway....
Past meets Present...... Cian:Aquila What just happened? Aquila & Braeden:She released the power you were holding back and then jump over the side of the ship to go find the Rebellion.Cian:Okay i'm going to follow her but just wanted to say welcome back from vacation Braeden.Braeden:Thanks and you might want to go soon but don't jump Fire Fox is ready for flight and her A.I. gets testy if we get it started for nothing.Cian:Thanks.Both:No Problem!!! Cian:Why does she do this? It will only get her in trouble and she knew that I had that sealed for a reason.If I release this in its full power it takes over and I can't have myself turning into a vampiric ranger(a mix of dragon tamer and ranger considered to be highly dangerous because of the fact that the dragon can sync its power with its ranger) at a moments notice.I didn't want this but I remember what the elders would tell us "You are the chosen ones if you must release the power you have been given or our world is destined to be destroyed".You believe that fully don't you Chiara? I trust you with my life and hopefully this doesn't consume me.(still flying but the wind shield still allows you to hear everything)Chiara:It won't.I would never have released it if I didn't know that you could handle it.(Chiara is sitting on the back of the nova phoenix(she is wearing the finery of the Teckoran royals like a dress that was cap-sleeved in white with head jewels and gauntlets)Cian:What happened to you Chiara? Amara:I am no longer called Chiara my dear friend I am now called Amara Desma because of the bond that is now formed.Cian:You changed because of my transformation? Amara:Of course the Nova Phoenix is the counter part to you and the shadow dragon.Cian:So did my name change too? Amara:Your name is no longer Cian Lysander but is changed so you are now Neron Kyros but you are still the same person.Neron:So if I jump over to you would you explain all of this to me? Amara:Of course Neron,you can just send Fire Fox back up to the ship.(jumps onto the Phoenix and sends Fire Fox back up)Neron:Okay so what is all this about? Amara:Rather straight forward aren't you? Well It all begins with the fact that we are specially designated rangers meant to be able to tame and control the Shadow dragon and the Nova Phoenix.Neron:So I was right about being a Vampiric ranger.Amara: (giggles)Your only a Vampiric ranger because your a vampire but you were right about being a ranger.Anyway back to the explanation the reason how we looked changed is because of the power flowing through us affected our body and change our genetic code slightly.Neron:And the names? Amara:That was because we are no longer like our former selves in the fact that we are no longer bound by our seals.Neron:So we don't have the seals on us anymore? Amara:No we are free from the seals.Neron:So if I call the dragon forth I could travel like we are right now? Amara:No the Shadow Dragon is more into fighting and would probably decide to throw you off .Neron: Definitely won't try that then.Lets go find the Rebellion.(they search and find them but they definitely were not what they expected)Tajimoru:We have been expecting you two but not this soon i'm afraid so everyone is running around right now.Amara:Its okay I thought that you would be very busy.Tajimoru:I see that you have released the seals we put on you.Neron:We needed to,there is too much at risk for us to play it safe anymore.Amara:We have lost so much recently that can never be regained.Tajimoru:What did you lose m'lady? You didn't lose the ship did you? Neron:No the ship is fine but the name is becoming reality far too much.Amara:We rescued five children but three died within a day and we had to bury three other children.Thankfully two children survived and two had already found me themselves.(Neron hugs Amara because she is near tears)Neron:Its been rough but we are still alive so we have to be thankful for that much.Tajimoru:We contacted you because we have one last battle planned.It will be the battle to end all battles....
The finale of dreams....
Amara & Neron:We had just found out who we were and let go of the past that haunted us for so long when we were asked to go into battle.We had prepared ourselves for this day for years but never thought it would come so soon.The Rebellion sent word to the ship and told them of our desicion to go into battle and we knew that they would want to go as well but we ordered them to stay.It was for the best because we didn't know if this was to be our last battle or not so the pain would be at a monumental high.As we marched into battle that fateful day we hoped against all knowledge otherwise that we would survive.We fought for days at end even when our strength was supposed to be gone and we realized that there was a chance.Amara:I released the power of the Nova Phoenix and attacked using my surge strike at full power and Neron used the pulse strikes full power in dark matter style.It was a longshot for us to win because we still felt so much pain but we fought for many days beyond our limits and we were rewarded with victory. Even though the military brought out the best of the squads they still couldn't match the Nova Phoenix and the Shadow Dragon and all ended in defeat for the military.We survived and prospered but this will probably be short-lived and we will be ready to fight again.Besides we have our huge family now that we are married and have a baby girl to complete our now seven people family.Aquila &Oihane: Guess what we are finally engaged and are taking over the ship due to the fact that Neron and Amara have to rule Teckoru!!! Braeden:And I finally found a girlfriend and a place to start my mechanic shop. The Kids: We got a huge family now and we are going to be our own mini army or at least that is what Uncle Tajimoru says.......

- Title: wishes and dreams
- Artist: anari lee
- Description: third story in the series and a sort of adventure not forgotten quickly.
- Date: 02/03/2009
- Tags: wishes dreams scifi nextgenseries
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