• Amnesia Again
    Chapter 99

    She leveled red rimmed accusations at us for the last time. We told her I was no good. We told her that I would hurt her in the end. She didn't beleive me and we lived together for twenty five years before I was right. Now she was leaving when she only began to know us. She was scared and angry over wasted life.

    I chose my symbiont purely out of survival instinct. From a significant representation of his species he was the one with the least genetic and physical defect. Until I assimlated him first eating and then becomming his brain I didn't understand how good looking the specimen also was.

    Subconsciously, he always knows im here. He always knows what special abilities I can grant him. He lives alone for ages and pushes all companions aside. He's never really alone since I'm here inside. Eventually, his biology demands a mate and he lets someone in. But I warn them. "We're no good for long relationships and we'll hurt you."

    I'm an alien....no that's not exactly right. I'm a secret. I'm a secret so grand that I must be hidden away. I was created by aliens to hold this secret data in a way that cannot be randomly probed or searched. I was cultured from genetic stock from thousands of worlds and so was able to choose my host from any of them. Even if my host were to be probed they would only see the current life of man I chose to invade.

    His name is Drakard and he hasn't aged a day in a thousand years. What wonders he's seen and what deeds he's done! He'll never know because I make him forget every thirty or so years. I drop him in a village, a camp, or a hospital with no memory of his past lives. And he starts over.

    You think me cruel but the secret is too great. The price is small. And the amnesia is a tender mercy. I feel everything Drakard does and the pain inside him now brought on by those eyes is too great. He cannot stop it. He never could. This time I think I will drop him in a hospital in the middle east. There is much chaos and confusion there. No one will identify him from this life in this lifetime. Anyone close to finding me will never find us there.

    I have to give him amnesia again or the pain will go on just like with all the rest. I will miss her myself though Sabatha was the best one. But if they find me they will want the secret and to get it they would kill him, killing me.

    heart If I don't get ending suggestions there will be no chapter 98 heart