• She waited silently at the door, until she could hear his deep, even breathing, indicating that he was sound asleep. Quiet as a mouse, she tiptoed down the hall with bated breath, desperately trying to avoid the loose, creaky boards. At the top of the stairs she moved faster, escape was so close she could practically taste it. Biting her lip she rushed down the steps, trying to be quick but inaudible. Eight more steps, seven, six, almost there, five, four, just a little further, three, two-- she froze as she heard the mattress moan, and his heavy footsteps on the floor. She abandoned all hope of getting away unnoticed and leaped down the last few steps, sprinting through the kitchen and out the front door. She bounded down the driveway, her night gown billowing out behind her like a parachute, slowing her down. She gathered the loose fabric in her arms and glanced over her shoulder. She saw his silhouette through the window, it appeared he was yanking on shoes. She panicked, unsure of where to hide. Giving up she tore down the streets, her shadow eerily following her in the streetlights. He thumped out of the door and yelled after her. She heard a bang, and a sharp pain shot up her spine. She fell hard to the ground, limp, unable to move. She heard his footsteps over her lifeless body, saw his maniacal grin one last time, then felt her consciousness fade into the dark abyss of death. She was gone, away from him at last, for all eternity.