• Chapter 1:
    Life Isn’t Fair
    At first, she thought she would make up in total darkness and blinded forever. Turned out, she woke up in a hospital with an IV in her left arm. “Emma, you ok? You passed out.” She turned her head to the right and her friend, Rose, was squeezing the feeling out of her arm. “I’m fine. Can you let go of my wrist, I can’t feel my hand.” Rose looked down and took her hand off Emma’s arm. “Oh, I’m sorry. I just got so worried.” Emma looked away and laughed. She coughed after trying to laugh. Rose’s eyes grew heavy with stricken grieve. “It hurts to breathe. How did I pass out?” Rose looked back up. Emma wasn’t looking at her. I hope you get better Ems; I don’t want you to die on us now. “Oh well you looked into a mirror and you just, you just passed.” Emma remembered looking at a mirror and looking inside it. She saw her parents and all the happy memories she had with them before she woke up one morning to screaming and blood. But Emma was little back then, she still couldn’t shake it from her head. “Excuse me madam, visiting hours are over.” Emma looked at the nurse that hung over her bed. Rose left and turned her head one last time looking at her friend in the hospital bed. An IV and blood bag which labeled, Type-O, was being changed to a fresh one. “Goodbye Ems, I hope you get better. Everyone missed you at Raven Academy.” Emma tried to wave, but she nodded her head for goodbye. The door closed behind Rose’s footsteps.
    At Raven Academy, Jason stood outside under the oak tree at lunch. His black umbrella with vampire fangs etched in it under his arm. Raven Academy is a Goth school. Most of the students there have dorms because those dorms are mostly for orphans. “Rose, how’s Emma. I heard she fell through a mirror and a window. Ouch!” Rose came over with her makeup smeared from walking in the rain alone and without her exquisite lacy parasol she always used. “She’s doing okay. The visiting hours are over. I’m going to visit her tomorrow.” Jason looked at her and squeezed her shoulders tight. “She is going to be fine. No need to worry Rose.” He opened his umbrella and walked away. Rose hated being alone; but being with Jason made her feel like they were together. She ran after Jason to talk to him in class. The war between Goths and Gamers will never end. But this was just the beginning; somehow it felt like the end was near. Very near.