• I awake,
    This taste of dirt has become a wake-up call
    in which I am all to familiar with.
    This constant smell of rotting flesh I carry with me
    is now a constant reminder of what i have become.
    A blood thirsty mindless fiend
    with no more sense then a starving animal.
    I watch a corpses rise from the ground
    such as an earthworm on a cold damp and dark day.
    and the ancient scent of decay arises from crypts renewing the air
    with its foul smell and acrid aroma that i now have no choice but to welcome.

    And somewhere amongst this,
    they mingle with the blood curdling screams of woman and children
    which not long after will have lifeless moans take those shrill cry's place.
    And when the few humans left hidden amongst this chaos are left helpless
    and have no choice but to surrender to us will know
    what will then become at this time again be called
