• Iris clutched the notebook of Mr. Nameless in her hands as she sat in her last period class before the bell rang. How on earth could this happen? Was this God's punishment to her for hoping that her name wasn't Iris?!

    "No, no," she assured herself with a quick shake of her head, "It was merely an accident this happened....." Oh-no! What if Mr. Nameless was a horrible person who'd just spill out all her secret love confessions for Nathan outloud?! "Ms. Iris, may you please stop waving your arms like that...."
    "S-Sorry sir!!" Iris felt like dying right there. She looked down at the notebook and slowly opened it.


    Dang it!! How could he have let this happen?! Nathan glared at the notebook in his hands and tried his best not to even think about what the scenerio would be if this Miss Lotto would do to his precious drawings of Iris. He knew right away that if this girl even spilt out one little....Or ruined..."Nathan! May you please answer my question young man?!"
    "Huh? Oh, the answer's six over nine which can be lowered to the fraction two over three..."
    "Thank you and please pay more attention in the future," his teacher sighed and returned to the board. Nathan let out a slight growl, what would she know? His freakin' life and love were at stake!! He glanced down at the book and huffed, wouldn't hurt to look into it a bit more.

    I feel so helpless. I can never speak or even look at him without making a fool of myself in front of my peers. Today, I tried to impress him by trying to wear a brand new dress Mother gave me. I even wore heels, but....I tripped and fell on my face! It was so embarassing!!!! Almost the entire lunch room laughed, but thankfully he didn't see it. I'm such a klutz....Oh...

    Nathan frowned, wait. Didn't something happen last week like this? "Than she must be in my class and lunch period," he mused and thought a moment. Was it possible that it was Iris? No, he shouldn't come up with conclusions so soon even if he wanted it to be her.


    Iris was amazed at how skilled Mr. Nameless was. His drawings were too perfect, real at the most. She could see how the wind made her long hair flow out around her face or when the sun seemed to light up at the right angles so her glasses didn't shine out her eyes. Iris heard the bell and quickly closed the book and sat up, "Mr. Nameless...."

    Iris felt deep inside her that this Mr. Nameless had to be a student interested in the arts, but the only person she knew who did...Was Nathan....No, no,no! She shook her head, one shouldn't be getting their hopes up so soon! What if it isn't Nathan, what if it was someone else or...Oh god! What if it was a stalker!?

    But...She glanced down at the notebook in her hands, Mr. Nameless.....


    Nathan spotted Iris heading out the door of a English class in record time, "I-"
    She quickly disappeared among the crowded hallways before he finished his sentence, "Double...ARGH!! Oh sugar honey ice tea!!" He kicked a locker to which was a bad choice as the metal collided into his shoe causing him to jump up and down in pain, "Dang it, dang it, DANG IT!!"

    He sighed and slowly walked after the remaining students, just what was wrong with him?! Mr. Nameless would have just-That's it! If he had Miss Lotto's notebook....He smiled and quickly took out a piece of paper out and drew out a image, hopefully this Miss Lotto was a library person or Iris....


    Iris slipped into the library during lunch only to find her usual seat next to the window made her stop in her tracks, in front of her sitting spot was a picture of a girl heading to the art room. She took it off the table and looked in the back, 'Art Room Entry, Mr. Nameless. I believe you have my notebook, but I wish to at least getting to know you first Miss Lotto before returning it.'

    Mr. Nameless?!


    Nathan's next class after lunch was art. The only class that seemed to be the only one he could stand, but today he was eager to enter the classroom. Just above the folder for his class stood a small card with Mr. Nameless on the front.

    Dear Mr. Nameless,
    What is this game you're playing at?! I want my notebook returned to me this minute, but since you insist on doing this I'll play along. I'll give you three weeks to keep my notebook and you give me three to keep yours. We will pass notes onto each other like this until one of us figures out who the other is. Deal? Your reply must be posted on the seventh bookcase of the history section of the library.
    Miss Lotto

    Nathan chuckled, this was going to be fun.