• Saga 1: Egypt#1:

    Chapter 1: Tut is dead!

    “Oh dear, Tut is dead!” “He is dead?” “Oh no--Tut is dead!” “King Tut is dead?” People were telling each other the horrible news that King Tut was dead. Not only were the people worried, the animals were running around barking and meowing “He is dead?” or more like “wo, wo, woof” or “me me me-ow. “ It was crazy; Kind Tut has died at a young age. This story is not about Tut or the humans, but the cats and dogs.

    This might be a crazy opening, but this was a bad time. For Egypt , King Tut had just died and the word was spreading. The word passed from humans to dogs and cats when one of them overheard their owner, then it was spread all over Egypt .

    “So, Tut is dead?” said a dog. “Yes, Spike, he is dead—I can’t believe it either” said a girl dog. “I know it is just horrible—is Princess the cat doing anything about it?” asked Spike. “She is having a meeting on the issue” said Betty, the girl dog. “Well, let’s go, Betty” said Spike. Spike and Betty were both Golden Labs. So they went to the meeting of Princess the cat. Princess the cat did not belong to King Tut—nor did Spike or Betty.

    Princess the cat belonged to one of Tut’s friends. Her owner was rich. Princess the cat was more of a “spoiled rotten” cat! Whatever Princess said or “me-owed” was done.

    Chapter 2: The Meeting of Princess the Cat

    Spike and Betty made it to the meeting. “Thank you all for coming to this meeting.” “I will tell you what we should do, so this doesn’t happen to our next King.” “So you know, I overheard my owner say that someone or something bit King Tut.” “The only way we can do anything is to find out who had done it” said Princess the cat. “Here are the suspects who I think did it.” “Only one could have done it by himself or herself.” “There are: suspect #1, Ratty the rat, suspect #2 Rattles the rattlesnake, and suspect #3, well, a talking flea” said Princess the cat..

    “My name it Tom” cried the flea. “OK, Tom the flea” said Princess the cat. “If the suspect lies to us, they will….” said Princess. Then, a crazy outburst happened. “OK, I did it!” “Please don’t kill me!!!” cried Tom. ”What?” said Princess. “Yes, I did it!!!” cried the flea again. “OK—this is very awkward.” “We won’t kill you at all.” “Could you tell us why or how you bit King Tut?” asked Princess. “Yes, you see, I have this dog friend who is a Black Lab and he had me on him..” “I saw King Tut walking and I jumped up, but bit him by mistake!” “I am so sorry!!!” said Tom the flea. “Wait, you’re saying that a dog carried you?” “That means that dogs are the ones who have migrated fleas to Egypt !” “From now on, dogs are banned from Egypt forever!” demanded Princess.

    Chapter 3: Banned!/The Dog God

    So, all dogs were banned from Egypt . It was sad for the dogs because that was their home. “No wonder cats are honored in Egypt , and not us.” “They are better, and don’t do things like us” said a dog. It wasn’t a good time after King Tut died. It would take about 3 months to have King Tut preserved as a mummy. Now, the dogs were banned. We all know a fly killed King Tut, not a flea. As for Princess the cat, she really thought a flea killed the king.

    Spike and Betty were shocked that they were banned from Egypt . “Well, we might have to start our own country—let’s call it Dogypt” said Spike. Everyone went along with this plan. It didn’t work out! “If only we had our own god to help us” said Spike to Betty. “I know, Spike…” Betty said. “I am here…” said a voice. “Who are you, and where are you?” asked Spike. “I am right here, Spike” said the voice. When Spike and Betty looked to see the person, they yelped! It was a beautiful young lady wearing wonderful clothes made out of blue silk. “Who are you anyway, and how do you know me?” asked Spike. “I am Dog-ess—goddess of dogs.” “I had heard you needed me” she said. “Oh my god, we have a goddess!!!” Spike yelled. “Yes, I am your goddess.” “I heard Princess the cat thinks dogs were put on the earth for nothing.” “She is very wrong.” “I will help you find out how King Tut really died, because Princess the cat is foolish to think that a flea can kill anybody…” said Dog-ess. The next thing Spike and Betty knew, they were not near Egypt !

    Chapter 4:Greece

    “This is a whole other place that gods and goddesses are found.” “This is called Greece.” said Dog-ess. Spike and Betty noticed that Dog-ess’s clothes had changed to all white. “Oh, Nep, Hi!” yelled Dog-ess to another god. The god came near them. “Oh, Dog-ess I see you have two dogs on your hands” said the god. “You can say that, Nep!” said Dog-ess. You see, Dog-ess was the only goddess who could talk to dogs. Dog-ess asked if they were thirsty, and they said “Yes” but Nep heard “Woof” which could mean yes or no. “OK—I will get some fresh water for them” said the god. He picked up two pots and put his hands in them to make water. Then, the messenger came with the message “We have a flood caused by Herc” he said. “Oh dear, not Zeus’s son again” said Nep. “Well, bye Dog-ess, I need to take care of this” said Nep, so he left. “OK, we must get to Hades” said Dog-ess.

    Now, they had to go to Hades, god of the underworld. This was a very bad thing. Hades could be in a bad mood because of Zeus’s son! Luckily, he was in a better mood. “Oh, Dog-ess, goddess of dogs, why are you here?” asked Hades. “We are looking for the reason why King Tut of Egypt is dead” said Dog-ess with no fear. “Oh, that’s all—OK, let me look— Egypt —King Tut…oh, here it is. He died from being bit by a fly!” said Hades. “OK, thank you Hades” said Dog-ess. “You’re welcome” said Hades. “Wait that means that Tom the flea didn’t kill King Tut!” exclaimed Betty. “That’s right”, Dog-ess yelled.

    Chapter 5: Return to Egypt

    The next thing Spike and Betty knew, they were back on sand.. “Well, you can tell Princess the cat I will come with you” Dog-ess said. They walked to the palace of Princess the cat. “What? I told you dogs were banned from Egypt ” said Princess. “I am here to tell you what happened to King Tut, since I am a goddess” said Dog-ess.” “Goddess of what?” asked Princess. Dog-ess replied “goddess of dogs.” “Oh, I didn’t know that they had a goddess for dogs, please go on” said Princess in her I DON’T REALLY CARE tone! “Well, King Tut was killed by a fly, not a flea” said Dog-ess. “Are you crazy?--I know a bug killed him, so I lied” said Princess. The flea said “You knew I bit Tut, but you made everyone with me think that I killed him!” “Attack!!!” With this, all of the fleas jumped on Princess the cat. “Get them off me!” “Get them off me or I’m going to die!!!” yelled Princess. Everyone was laughing out loud.

    Now, there is still more, we have not learned the answer yet! So, dogs were brought back to Egypt . “Wait!—my question wasn’t answered” said Spike to Dog-ess. “Oh, that question, I can’t believe that you haven’t figured it out already.” Cats are honored in Egypt because there are more women than men.. The women like the cats, said Dog-ess as she left the world in the sky.
    The End

    PS: . This is only the plot and first story in the series.