• The Moon glowed in the dark blue sky,
    I sat down on the grass and closed my eyes,
    i felt the breeze lift up my hair and put it down again.
    I heard something coming,
    i opened my eyes,
    to see a white horse,
    standing there in the moonlight.
    I stood up, and stroked the horse's nose,
    Then realised.. it wasnt a horse at all,
    i looked upon its head to see a horn,
    it was a unicorn,
    I had never seen one before!
    People said they didnt exist,
    but i would keep this a secret.
    I left the unicorn and began to walk home.
    i was in a field,
    but soon at my house.
    i went upstairs and went to sleep,
    then woke up the next morning,
    i rushed outside back into the field,
    there was no unicorn... it had gone.
    i sat there waiting for it too come,
    but i sat there for hours.. night fell.
    my mother and father didnt know where i was,
    but i saw the unicorn... standing in the frost.
    I jumped on its back and stroked its head,
    I went every night... to see my white horse.